加拿大计算机竞赛(CCC)是一个针对编程爱好者们的挑战赛,充满趣味。它旨在让拥有一定编程经验的参赛者都能参与进来,同时挑战中学阶段最热衷于编程的参赛者。CCC 旨在帮助参赛者建立自信,并提升他们设计、理解和实现算法的能力。
CCC Senior高级竞赛的难度从基础算法增加到更高级的算法,如精确计数和一些数学推理,最后一道题目通常涉及国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛(IOI)水平的材料。
1. Introduction to Prefix Sums
2. More on Prefix sum
3. Custom Comparators and Coordinate Compression
4. Two Pointers
5. More Operations on Sorted Sets
6. Greedy Algorithms with Sorting
7. Binary Search
8. Introduction to Graphs
9. Graph Traversal
10. Flood Fill
11. Introduction to Tree Algorithms
12. Meet in the Middle
13. C++ Sets with Custom Comparators
14 Dynamic Programming
15. Stacks
16. disjoint set union
17. Minimum spanning trees
18. point update range sum
19. dp on Trees
20. shortest paths with unweighted edges
21. shortest paths with non-negative edge weights
22. simulation
23. complete search
24. ad hoc