NPFC全称为The National Personal Finance Challenge (NPFC) 。是全美首屈一指的青少年个人理财竞赛,为中学生提供机会来构建和展示他们在赚取收入(Earning Income)、支出(Spending)、储蓄(Saving)、投资(Investing)、信贷管理(Managing Credit)和风险管理(Managing Risk)等概念方面的知识,由美国经济教育学会CEE举办。近 20,000 名高中生在疫情前参加了 NPFC。
NPFC全美个人金融挑战赛National Personal Finance Challenge是全美唯一针对初高中生的个人金融素养类竞赛,测试个人金融理财和经济相关知识。
The National Personal Finance Challenge (NPFC) is a nationwide competition that provides high school students the opportunity to build and demonstrate their knowledge of money management. Teams showcase their expertise in the concepts of earning income, spending, saving, investing, managing credit, and managing risk.
NPFC has two divisions - Middle School and High School Division.
The approved test center will resgiter student teams. Teams of three to four students complete online exams that may qualify them for an exciting championship competition. Each student will be given 35 minutes to complete a 30 question rapid-fire exam. Each correct answer is worth 10 points. The team's score is the sum of the top 3 students' scores. Populus Academy is registered in the Virginia state.
In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will be the team that used the least amount of time on the online exam. If necesarry, the score and testing time of the fourth student will be used as additional tiebreakers.
[State Level] The approved test center will resgiter student teams. Teams of three to four students complete online exams that may qualify them for an exciting championship competition. Each student will be given 35 minutes to complete a 30 question rapid-fire exam. Each correct answer is worth 10 points. The team's score is the sum of the top 3 students' scores. Populus Academy is registered in the Virginia state.
In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will be the team that used the least amount of time on the online exam. If necesarry, the score and testing time of the fourth student will be used as additional tiebreakers.
[Finals] The winning team from each state moves on to the National Finals. Finals consist of a case study where teams present to a panel of judges.