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Gwyneth Bebb法律论文比赛


牛津大学 St Hugh's College 的 Julia Wood 历史写作比赛在学生与家长心中的口碑极高。在2023年,St Hugh's College 顺势开办两门全新的写作比赛:Kavita Singh 与 Gwyneth Bebb。

格温妮丝·贝伯(Gwyneth Bebb)法律征文比赛

格温妮丝·贝伯 (Gwyneth Bebb, 1889-1921) 是第一批在牛津大学获得法律学位的女性之一,也是第一位获得一等荣誉的女性;她是一位教育和法律先驱。

Gwyneth Bebb (1889-1921), was one of the first women to be awarded a degree in Law at Oxford, and the first to achieve first-class honours; she was an educational and legal pioneer.

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2024Gwyneth Bebb写作题目

圣休学院的校长和研究员很高兴为回答以下问题的最佳论文提供高达 500 英镑的奖金:




Defend one of the following two propositions:

1.The deployment of juries as part of this country’s criminal trial procedure should be abolished.

2.There is no particular reason for our judiciary to be representative of this country’s population.

咨询Gwyneth Bebb

Gwyneth Bebb比赛时间

报名截止日期为 2024年7月26日星期五下午5点。

获奖者将于 9 月底在线公布。

The closing date for entries is 5pm on Friday 26th July 2024.

Prize winners will be announced online by the end of September.


咨询Gwyneth Bebb

Gwyneth Bebb参赛要求


入学仅限于在截止日期已在任何国家资助的学校或学院学习不超过两年的 Sixth Form 的学生。

参赛作品的长度应在 1,500 到 2,000 字之间(包括任何应保持在最低限度的脚注),并且必须以 Microsoft Word 文档形式连同格温妮丝·贝伯奖封面页一起提交。请使用此页面上的表格提交您的参赛作品。

No detailed knowledge of English law is required to answer it; indeed, while cases reported in the national media may be referred to, entrants should not look to cite any specific case law or statutes in their work. Rather, they are encouraged to think about things a matter of principle. The judges will be looking out for an entrant’s ability to reason from wider precepts and to construct clear and coherent arguments.

Entry is restricted to pupils who, at the closing date, have been in the Sixth Form of any state-funded school or college for a period of not more than two years.

Entries should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words in length (including any footnotes which should be kept to a minimum), and must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, together with the Gwyneth Bebb Prize cover sheet. Please submit your entry using the form on this page.


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Gwyneth Bebb海报


Gwyneth Bebb格温妮丝·贝伯


Gwyneth Marjorie Bebb (Thompson)(1889-1921)是第一位获得一等荣誉学位的女性,也是女性进入法律行业的先驱。

格温妮丝·贝伯 (Gwyneth Bebb) 1889 年出生于牛津,是牛津大学最早获得法律学位的女性之一,也是第一位获得一等荣誉的女性,也是女性进入法律行业的先驱。1908 年,她开始在 St Hugh's Hall 阅读法学,该学院于 1911 年正式成为牛津大学。Bebb 获得了获得一等荣誉学位的分数。然而,直到 1920 年大学条例发生变化之前,女性都不是正式成员,也无法获得学位。

在牛津大学学习后,贝伯申请参加律师协会考试。她的申请被拒绝了,因为女性也被禁止参加允许她们练习的考试。除了试图通过允许女性进入法律行业的议会法案外,Bebb 还是 1914 年上诉法院 Bebb 诉 Law Society 案的指定原告。Bebb 和其他三名原告争辩说,根据 1843 年的《律师法》,女性应该有资格成为“人”。虽然他们失去了上诉,但他们的斗争成为了大量宣传和辩论的主题,引起了人们对这一事业的关注。

直到 1919 年的性别取消资格(移除)法案,女性才被正式接纳进入法律行业,能够获得资格和执业。1917 年,贝伯在食品部担任执法助理专员期间,与律师托马斯·韦尔登·汤普森 (Thomas Weldon Thompson) 结婚。该法案通过几天后,她就生下了第一个孩子,后来她被林肯学院录取。1921 年,怀着第二个孩子的她准备参加律师考试。不幸的是,孩子出生两天后就去世了。在分娩并发症(前置胎盘)后,格温妮丝在 31 岁去世前遭受了两个月的痛苦。尽管她无法从事自己的法律职业,但格温妮丝·贝伯的行动和决心为所有追随者打开了大门她的脚步声。

Gwyneth Bebb

Gwyneth Marjorie Bebb (Thompson) (1889-1921) was the first woman to achieve a first-class honours degree and a pioneer for women entering the legal profession.

Gwyneth Bebb, born in Oxford in 1889, was one of the first women to be awarded a degree in law at Oxford, the first to achieve first-class honours, and a pioneer for women entering the legal profession. In 1908, she began reading Jurisprudence at St Hugh’s Hall, which officially became an Oxford College in 1911. Bebb received the marks to earn her first-class honours degree. However, until the University regulations were changed in 1920, women were not full members and could not be awarded degrees.

After studying at Oxford, Bebb applied to sit the Law Society examinations. Her application was rejected because women were also barred from sitting the examinations that would allow them to practice. Alongside attempts to pass Parliamentary bills allowing women into the legal profession, Bebb was the named plaintiff in the 1914 Court of Appeal case Bebb v Law Society. Bebb and the three other plaintiffs argued that women should qualify as ‘persons’ under the Solicitors’ Act 1843. Although they lost the appeal, their struggle became the subject of a large amount of publicity and debate, drawing attention to the cause.

It was not until the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 that women would be formally accepted into the legal profession, able to qualify and practice. In 1917, while working at the Ministry of Food as an Assistant Commissioner for Enforcement, Bebb married a solicitor, Thomas Weldon Thompson. She gave birth to her first child just days after the Act was passed, and she was later accepted at Lincoln’s Inn. In 1921, while pregnant with her second child, she studied for her Bar exams. Tragically, the child passed away two days after birth. Following a complication during the birth (placenta praevia), Gwyneth suffered for two months before her own death at age 31. Although she was unable to pursue her own legal career, Gwyneth Bebb’s actions and determination helped open the door for all women who followed in her footsteps.

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