菲茨威廉学院每年都会举办各种学科的论文比赛,让有才华的学生探索学校课程之外的兴趣。剑桥大学菲茨威廉学院作文竞赛, Fitzwilliam College Essay Competition, 为有志于深化学术兴趣、培养独立思考和提升写作技能的高中生提供了一个引人注目的平台。这个比赛涵盖了多个学科领域,为学生们提供了丰富的选择,以便他们能够在自己感兴趣的主题上展开深入的思考。
专为 Year 12(也就是 Grade 11)学生设计,让有才华的学生探索学校课程之外的兴趣!
我要报名/辅导1.What qualities made heroes heroic in ancient literature? Discuss with reference to any text or texts of your choice.
2.How can the study of dead languages help us to understand ancient societies? Answer with reference to any period and region of your choice.
3."lmagery is the most important source for studying women in the ancient world.” Do you agree? Discuss with reference to any period and region of your choice.
“在研究古代女性的过程中,想象是最重要的信息来源” 你同意吗?可以选择任何时期和地区进行回答。
4."The study of art and/or archaeology reveals people the texts ignore."Discuss with reference to any people, period and region of your choice.
请探讨:“艺术和/或考古学的研究揭示了文字所忽略的人们” 。可以选择任何人群、时期和地区进行回答。
5.What led to either a) the development of Athenian democracy or b) the fall of the Roman Late Republic?
6."Ancient philosophy is not relevant to modern political or ethical debates" Do you agree? Discuss with reference to any text or texts and any political and/or ethical debates of your choice.
你是否同意以下观点:“古代哲学与现代政治或伦理辩论无关” 。可以选择任何文献以及任何政治和/或伦理辩论进行讨论。
1.To what extent can the archaeology of the environment prepare us for the era of 'global boiling'?
2.Archaeology only deals with interpretations, never facts." Discuss.
3.To what degree is modern fiction and poetry more effective than archaeology in telling stories about the past?
1. "The main claim of microeconomic theory is that markets are beneficialinstitutions." Discuss.
2. High and stable economic growth, as measured by an annual percentagechange in real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), has long been targeted as aprimary objective of governments' economic policies across the globe. Is GDPgrowth an adequate measure of a country's prosperity, a nation's well-beingand an appropriate policy objective? Discuss
Fitzwilliam College is pleased to announce its third annual Essay Competition inHistory. We invite applicants to send in essays of no more than 2,500 words on thefollowing theme:
Fitzwilliam College traces its origins to 1869, when the University of Cambridgelaunched an initiative to facilitate access to Higher Education for the many studentswho could not afford the costs of college membership. The initiative was part of thebroader transformation of education in Britain, as the changes wrought byindustrialisation and urbanisation created a need to cater for a growing, increasinglydiverse and literate population. Earlier decades had already witnessed theestablishment of King’s College London, Durham University, and the University ofLondon, for instance, and colleges for women were beginning to open in Cambridgeand Oxford. These radical social and economic changes were themselves connectedto the intensification of globalisation in the second half of the nineteenth century,which placed Britain at the heart of an ever-tighter web of economic relationsbetween the world’s continents.
But the same year also witnessed the birth of Mohandas – later Mahatma – Gandhi,who would come to challenge Britain’s colonial rule and lead India on the path toindependence; the death of Alphonse de Lamartine, the poet and politician who hadproudly proclaimed France’s Second Republic in 1848, but whose final years werelived under the more authoritarian Second Empire; the marriage of Emperor Meiji,which consolidated Japan’s monarchy as the country began a new process ofindustrialisation; and the establishment by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth CadyStanton of the National Woman Suffrage Association in a United States still recoveringfrom the Civil War.
In 1869, as throughout history, old and new worlds collided. We invite applicants toexamine, in their essays, a topic of their choice, connected to the changes taking placein or around the year 1869. Essays may focus on a particular event, a person, a politicalmovement, or even a process of social, economic or cultural change, but they shouldconsider the interaction of ‘old’ and ‘new’ forces which the chosen topic illuminates.
1.When it comes to decarbonizing the economy, "it's not terribly difficult to know what needs to be done, though it is of course immensely difficult to get the relevant actors (government and others) to do it"(Barry, 1999). Discuss this statement, preferably drawing on evidence from the UK.
2.The current Conservative government led by Rishi Sunak has unexpectedly decided to scrap part of the HS2 project. lrrespective of your overall political views towards the current government, do you think this was a sound decision from an economic point of view?
由Rishi Sunak领导的现任保守党政府意外地决定取消HS2项目的部分内容。不考虑你对当前政府的整体政治观点,你认为这在经济角度上是一个明智的决定吗?
3.Some claim that modern communication platforms, such as Zoom, and the work-from-home revolution will lead to a decline of inner cities. Do you agree?
1."A World lit only by fire" - is this a fair characterisation of the thousand years of history between AD 500 and AD 1500?
“一个战火是唯一的照明的世界” – 这是对公元500年至公元1500年间的千年历史的正确描述吗?
2.Is European Medieval history a study of white men?
3.Are peasants more interesting than kings (answer with reference to the history of any part of the world in the middle ages)?
4.Was High Medieval Europe (c.1100-1300) essentially going through the same experience as Kamakura period Japan(1185-1333)?
5.Did the Hundred Years' War create England and France as nation-states?
6.To what extent was English imperialism the main cause of political change inmedieval Britain and Ireland?
1.Select any single work of Polish, Russian or Ukrainian literature or visual art (a film, a painting, an architectural drawing, or a poster) and discuss the ways in which it reflects some of the principal political and social issues of its age.
2.Images of the past are central to concepts of contemporary national identity.' Discuss with respect to either Polish, Ukrainian or Russian culture. You may focus on one work of contemporary literature or art from one of the three countries, or you may examine the rhetoric of contemporary politicians from one or more of the three counties.
过去的形象对于当代国家认同的概念至关重要。’ 就波兰、乌克兰或俄罗斯文化进行讨论。你可以专注于这三个国家之一的一部当代文学或艺术作品,或者你可以专注于这三个国家的一个或多个政治家的修辞。
3.The history of every nation is constantly being rewritten to suit the needs of the present.'Discuss with respect to either Poland, Ukraine or Russia.
每个国家的历史都在不断地被重新书写,以适应当前的需要。’ 就波兰、乌克兰或俄罗斯进行讨论。
4.Select a Polish, Russian or Ukrainian writer, artist or filmmaker and discuss the relevance of their work for the present. Be sure to support your discussion by offering a detailed analysis of one work.
5.The current Russian waged war on Ukraine is a war of identity.' Discuss
请探讨:“当前俄罗斯对乌克兰发动的战争是一场身份之战” 。
3.如果想要邮寄参赛作品,请将邮寄材料邮寄至:Fitzwilliam College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DG。
4.提交表格后,申请人会收到一封确认邮件。如果在 24 小时内未收到确认邮件请通过以下电子邮件地址与学校联系:essaycompetition@fitz.cam.ac.uk。
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