That Day 100 Eaglets Went Missing 那一天,100只小鹰不见了
Have you seen this Eaglet? 100 Santa-Eaglets have been hidden throughout all divisions of our SAS campuses. Let the hunt begin—finders keepers! And for those of you not able to scour the school gro...
Have you seen this Eaglet? 100 Santa-Eaglets have been hidden throughout all divisions of our SAS campuses. Let the hunt begin—finders keepers! And for those of you not able to scour the school gro...
There was much excitement this week in the Nursery, as our children prepared for their Nursery Carol performances on Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Over the past few weeks, the children have been wo...
Next week the Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong Libraries are hosting Beijing Star kids. Monday to Wednesday,10to 12December, Beijing Star Kids will be present in the Junior School Quad hallway for J...
On Tuesday 20November, seven of the adult students from Home Sweet Home sat their Graded Examination in Spoken English (GESE).Their results have now been confirmed and this week we were thrilled to...
This weekend the CFL season came to an end with the final in Nantong. Unfortunately, not all qualified fencers where able to attend because of other school events. The Dulwich delegation picked up ...
We are very pleased to report that our swimmers achieved fantastic results at the Patana Feeding Frenzy – one of the most competitive swim meets in Southeast Asia.Twenty-five of our swimmers made t...
解密美国大学排名 How Useful Are College Rankings? What Do They Actually Mean? 导语 又是一年大学申请季,市面上又出现了数十种各不相同的大学排名体系,荣登Top20的学校就会让中国家长和学生们趋之若鹜。那...
位育 导语 LEAD 上海民办位育中学部将于近期开展插班生考试与冬令营活动,具体通告请见下文。 插班考试通告 时间:2018年12月16日(周日) 9:00-11:30 地点:位育路1号位育中学国际部11号楼 招收对象:2018级高一...
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