终于等到你,协和2018冬季音乐会 | SUIS Pioneer Winter Concert
每年,孩子们都会踏上一段神奇的冬季旅程 从天马行空想象到脚踏实地创造 从幕后刻苦练习到登台闪亮演出 今晚,我们带着亲爱的爸爸妈妈们 一同来开启美妙的音乐之旅吧! Everyyear SUIS Pioneerembarksonajourney ...
每年,孩子们都会踏上一段神奇的冬季旅程 从天马行空想象到脚踏实地创造 从幕后刻苦练习到登台闪亮演出 今晚,我们带着亲爱的爸爸妈妈们 一同来开启美妙的音乐之旅吧! Everyyear SUIS Pioneerembarksonajourney ...
中芯学校中学中文部诚邀您来参加新年音乐会 亲爱的家长: 中芯学校2018中学部新年音乐会将于12月21日举行,我们诚挚地邀请您前来观看孩子们精彩的演出,与我们共度这个美好的节日。 演出时间:2018年12月21日(周...
SMIC GAP Class of 2019 Early College Acceptances List (as of 12/19/18) 中芯学校出国留学班2019届毕业生提前录取名单(截止到2018/12/19) The SMIC Private School Counseling Office is pleased to announc...
SHSID 25th AnniversaryOn December 21st, 2018, the SHSID 25th Anniversary Celebration was held in the Shanghai High School Auditorium; students and teachers gathered together to witness this excitin...
G 1 -4 On December 21st, the primary p had a series of activities to celebrate SHSID’s 25th Anniversary. On the giant board in the lobby, we could see a lot of sticky notes with best wishes written...
SHSIDers are all connected through a common bond. Please enjoy the alumni video.上中国际25周年之际,校友们从世界各地送来了祝福,无论在哪个角落,SHSID永远是我们的家。
Lyrics: Koh Ting Shing Music:JJ Arranged by: Tommy Produced by: JJ Singers: Nicole / Ange / Spencer / Peter On December 21st, 2018, SHSID welcomed its 25th anniversary. To commemorate this momentou...
In just twenty-five years, SHSID has risen as a leading, globally-recognized international school that embodies the essence of both Chinese and Western culture. It has cultivated an international p...
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