For the second year in a row, YK Pao School’s Professional Learning Center will be organizing a Global Education Forum based on the theme "Pioneering New Models of Education". The Global Education ...
安全小贴士 光阴似箭,充实的一年又已过去,轻松的寒假时光即将开启。每位协和学子都盼望拥有丰富多彩的假期生活,但我们在享受快乐的同时,更不能忽视身边的安全问题。 快乐过寒假,安全“不放假” 在此,我们特别...
2019年我们一起开启领科新篇章 岁月如歌,风霜如画, 弹指挥间,急景雕年。 上海领科年终盛典悄然而至, 1月11日 我们欢聚一堂,把酒言欢。 革故鼎新与继往开来的2018年 让我们感慨万千, 激情拼搏与梦想绽放的20...
ES Winter Show Our winter play, A Child Christmas in Wales, relates the Christmas memories of a young boy. Based on the author, Dylan Thomas's own reminisces about his childhood, it is both nostalg...
This year, five middle school students from our Puxi campus spent their breaks and lunch times in a surprising way: practicing an ancient Chinese poem. 今年,上海美国学校浦西校区初中部的五位学生以...
This week the Music Department welcomed Roy McGrath and his Jazz Quartet into school, for a full day of Jazz exploration; culminating in a wonderful Concert in the Mei Lan Fang Theatre. During the ...
It is with great pleasure that we can announce that Jay, Year 12, has won the prestigious2019 Karl Jenkins Composition awardwith his piece titled “West Lake Pavillion”. The Jenkins award is open to...
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