Add some drama to your summer at Pao School
Drama is a performing art that incorporates elements of literature and music. In drama class, students can learn about the background and features of particular eras. As students rehearse their rol...
Drama is a performing art that incorporates elements of literature and music. In drama class, students can learn about the background and features of particular eras. As students rehearse their rol...
Introduction 一. 导语 IBDP课程冬令营活动第三天,也是最后一天。 这一天,同学们在位育体验了一把兼具专业性和趣味性的体育专项课:冰壶、羽毛球、篮球……玩得不亦乐乎。 下午的结业式在同学们精彩的才艺表演中...
查茨沃斯国际学校 - Chatsworth International School新加坡的总体教育质量非常优质,大部分学校的学费很高,而且都有很长的等待名...
东南亚留学(上) 4. 伊顿国际教育集团 伊顿国际教育集团在新加坡共设有17个国际学校,为2岁至6岁儿童提供教育。 伊顿国际学校提供探索式课程,旨在鼓励孩子成为具有批判性思维的人。 他们也为想要学习中文的学生...
PLAY 26 January2019华纳电影世界 DDC高二 吴依鸣 Today we go to movie world. It is like a gathering place for foreigners. There are many people from different countries coming here. We watched the mo...
1月25日晚,上实剑桥举行了庆祝2019中国农历新年的迎新晚宴,浦东、浦西校区学校领导及全体中外教职员工在欢乐轻松的氛围中,共同庆祝中国新年2019猪年的即将到来。 在正式晚宴开始前,上实剑桥校董袁光明校长为...
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