SUIS Chinese New Year Celebration | 金猪贺春来,协和春节游园会喜上眉梢
新春快乐 On Friday 25th January, SUIS HongQiao campus EMW stream held a massive Chinese New Year Celebration celebrating the Year of the Pig. The entire campus was vibrant and jubilant. 两年半夜分...
新春快乐 On Friday 25th January, SUIS HongQiao campus EMW stream held a massive Chinese New Year Celebration celebrating the Year of the Pig. The entire campus was vibrant and jubilant. 两年半夜分...
As the concept of “global competence” has become a buzzword worldwide, it has called wide attention upon the importance of nurturing youths’ comprehensive qualities such as knowledge scope, technic...
ShanghaiAmerican School, in partnership withthe American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, presentsAdam Ingersoll,a 25-year veteran of the college admission testing arena. Join us for an evening of ...
探访上海宝贝之家 撰稿:预初(2)班 罗欣悦 民办位育满天星中队宝贝之家小队的队员们在一个学期的相处中建立了深厚的友谊,2019年寒假刚刚开始,小伙伴们便迫不及待地再次组织了相约上海宝贝之家的爱心活动。 1...
垃圾分类打卡 撰稿:预初(2)班 张晨语 为践行绿色生活,提升人居环境,自2019年1月19日起,满天星中队绿色小队的队员们早早开始了寒假社会实践的筹备工作,我们这次的活动主题以“垃圾分类打卡”为主,地点定在望...
- 金奖T同学荣获 全球金奖C同学荣获 全球优胜奖全球入围率仅3%有方历届获奖学员滑动查看更多获奖证书美国高中生数学建模竞赛...
英国大学以其优质的教学资源,雄厚的学术底蕴闻名世界,今天就为大家盘点一下英国大学的十大“最”,一起来看看吧! 最容易脱单的大学 这要非杜伦大学莫属了。根据著名dating app Happn数据研究,杜伦大学学生被追...
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