Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.10.1 Rounding & Estimation
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.10.1 Rounding & Estimation Why use estimation? We estimate to find approximations for difficult sums Or to check our answers are about the right size (right order ...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.10.1 Rounding & Estimation Why use estimation? We estimate to find approximations for difficult sums Or to check our answers are about the right size (right order ...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.9.1 Compound Interest What is compound interest? Compound interest is where interest is paid on the interest from the year (or whatever time frame is being used) befor...
What is a reverse percentage? A reverse percentage question is one where we are given the value after a percentage increase or decrease and asked to find the value before the change How to do rever...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.7.2 Percentage Increases & Decreases How do I increase or decrease by a percentage? Identify “before” & “after” quantities Find percentage of “before” that we ...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.7.1 Basic Percentages What is a percentage? “Per-cent” simply means “ ÷ 100” (or “out of 100”) You can think of a percentage as a standardised way of expressing a frac...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.6.1 Set Notation & Venn Diagrams What do I need to know? You’ll be drawing Venn diagrams so make sure you are familiar with those first Notation ξ is the universal...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.5.2 Surds - Rationalising Denominators What is a surd? A surd is the square root of a non-square integer How do we rationalise the denominator of a surd? Worked Exampl...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.5.1 Surds - Basics What is a surd? A surd is the square root of a non-square integer What can we do with surds? 1. Multiplying surds – you can multiply numbers under s...
Edexcel IGCSE Maths复习笔记 1.4.2 Roots & Indices - Harder What are indices? An Index (plural = indices) is just a power that a number (called the base) is raised to: Laws of indices – what you...
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