近日,IBO官网发布了2022年IB全球考生的考试成绩大数据临时报告,官方表示完整的报告将会在今年10月提供,虽然是临时报告,不过根据官方的说法,预计最终结果不会有太大的变化。 受疫情影响,多地5月的IB大考取消...
近日,IBO官网发布了2022年IB全球考生的考试成绩大数据临时报告,官方表示完整的报告将会在今年10月提供,虽然是临时报告,不过根据官方的说法,预计最终结果不会有太大的变化。 受疫情影响,多地5月的IB大考取消...
成都作为成渝地区双城经济圈核心城市,在这个因疫情反复和国际形势下,仍有不少家长会为孩子选择走国际体系。那么成都又有哪几所开设IB课程的国际学校有哪些值得大家了解呢? 1.成都美视国际学校 成都美视国际学...
上周,2022年全球IB大考成绩终于放榜! 今年全球有173,878名学生获得2022年5月考试的IBDP(文凭项目)和IBCP(职业教育项目)的成绩,与去年的170660名相比,增加了3000名左右的考生,来看一下今年的最新数据—— 2...
Earth's Surface–Atmosphere System It is useful to consider Earth’s energy balance in terms of how much incoming energy from the Sun is used and how much is returned to space If incoming and outgoin...
Greenhouse Gases When radiation from the Sun hits the Earth, it is radiated back from the Earth's surface as long-wave radiation A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs this re-radiated radiation, t...
The Solar Constant Since life on Earth is entirely dependant on the Sun’s energy, it is useful to quantify how much of its energy reaches the top of the atmosphere This is known as the solar consta...
Black-Body Radiation Black body radiation is the name given to the thermal radiation emitted by all bodies (objects) All objects, no matter what temperature, emit black body radiation in the form o...
Conduction, Convection & Thermal Radiation Thermal energy transfers from hotter areas to cooler areas by the processes of: Conduction Convection Radiation Objects will always lose heat until th...
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