物理是自然科学的基石,A-level物理课程在知识的广度以及应用上要求更高,涉及到了部分大学物理的知识,这就对学生自主建立知识体系的能力以及语言表达能力要求更高。 CAIE考试局官网发布了新的考试大纲,适用于2...
物理是自然科学的基石,A-level物理课程在知识的广度以及应用上要求更高,涉及到了部分大学物理的知识,这就对学生自主建立知识体系的能力以及语言表达能力要求更高。 CAIE考试局官网发布了新的考试大纲,适用于2...
Practical Skill: Using Iodine to Detect Starch Grains Starch is the storage polysaccharide of plants Sugars formed during photosynthesis are stored as starch inside starch grains These starc...
Practical Skill: Microscopy & Drawing Scientific Diagrams Many biological structures are too small to be seen by the naked eye Optical microscopes are an invaluable tool for scientists a...
Key Features of Viruses Viruses are non-cellular infectious particles that straddle the boundary between ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ They are relatively simple in structure; much smaller than ...
Prokaryotic v Eukaryotic Cell Structures Animal and plant cells are types of eukaryotic cells, whereas bacteria are a type of prokaryote Prokaryotes have a cellular structure distinct from e...
Prokaryotic Cells Animal and plant cells are types of eukaryotic cells, whereas bacteria are a type of prokaryote Prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells (between 100 - 1000...
The Organisation of Cells As seen on the last page, in complex multicellular organisms eukaryotic cells become specialised for specific functions. For example: Epithelial cells in the small ...
Adaptations of Eukaryotic Cells In complex multicellular organisms, eukaryotic cells become specialised for specific functions These specialised eukaryotic cells have specific adaptations to...
The Structure of Eukaryotic Cells Cell surface membrane The structure of the cell surface membrane – although the structure looks static the phospholipids and proteins forming the bilayer ar...
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