AQA A Level Chemistry复习笔记7.10.2 ¹H NMR
¹H NMR Features of a 1H NMR spectrum NMR spectra shows the intensity of each peak against their chemical shift The area under each peak gives information about the number of protons in a par...
¹H NMR Features of a 1H NMR spectrum NMR spectra shows the intensity of each peak against their chemical shift The area under each peak gives information about the number of protons in a par...
A-Level课程,就是英国本土的高中课程。具有引进时间早、“能偏科”、“重刷题”的特点,是很多留学生的首选。 不过A-Level多达70多门课程,主要分为: 1.核心基础课程:主要有数学、物理、化学、生物、地理; 2.核心...
在众多家长学生眼里,A-Level申英国,AP申美国,八竿子打不着。 好吧,说个留学过期冷知识:A-Level,IB,AP都可以英美同申。而且A-Level可以在部分美国大学换分~ 事实上,A-Level课程的作用非常大,在美国和AP课...
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DNA The nucleic acid DNA is a polynucleotide – it is made up of many nucleotides bonded together in a long chain A nucleotide is a building block consisting of a phosphate group, 2-deoxyribo...
Enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts ‘Biological’ because they function in living systems ‘Catalysts’ because they speed up the rate of chemical reactions without being used up or change...
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Enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts ‘Biological’ because they function in living systems ‘Catalysts’ because they speed up the rate of chemical reactions without being used up or change...
Proteins Each amino acid contains an amine (-NH2) and carboxylic acid (-COOH) group The -NH2 group of one amino acid can react with the -COOH group of another amino acid in a condensation re...
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