2001 11月HiMCM数模竞赛B题
2001 11月HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B: Skyscrapers Skyscrapers vary in height , size (square footage), occupancy rates, and usage. They adorn the skyline of our major cities. But as we have seen ...
2001 11月HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B: Skyscrapers Skyscrapers vary in height , size (square footage), occupancy rates, and usage. They adorn the skyline of our major cities. But as we have seen ...
2008HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B Problem: Going Green The United States can address its national carbon footprint in two ways: by reducing carbon dioxide emissions or by increasing carbon dioxide...
2003 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A What is it worth? In 1945, Noah Sentz died in a car accident and his estate was handled by the local courts. The state law stated that 1/3 of all assets and prop...
2008HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Problem: National Debt and National Crisis Mathematical modeling involves two equally important steps - building models based on real world situations and interpr...
2001 11月HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A: Adolescent Pregnancy You are working temporarily for the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The director is concerned about the issue of teenag...
2004 HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B The Art Gallery Security System An art gallery is holding a special exhibition of small watercolors. The exhibition will be held in a rectangular room that is 22...
2009HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Problem: Water, Water Everywhere Fresh water is the limiting constraint for development in much of the United States. Devise an effective, feasible, and cost-effi...
2009HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B Problem: Tsunami ("Wipe Out!") Recent events have reminded us about the devastating effects of distant or underwater earthquakes. Build a model that compares the ...
2004 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Motel Cleaning Problem Motels and hotels hire people to clean the rooms after each evening's use. Develop a mathematical model for the cleaning schedule and use ...
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