2016AMC10B真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is the value of when ? Problem 2 If , what is ? Problem 3 Let . What is the value of ? Problem 4 Zoey read books, one at a ...
2016AMC10B真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is the value of when ? Problem 2 If , what is ? Problem 3 Let . What is the value of ? Problem 4 Zoey read books, one at a ...
2016 AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is the value of ? Problem 2 For what value does ? Problem 3 For every dollar Ben spent on bagels, David spent cents less. Ben paid mo...
2017AMC10B真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Mary thought of a positive two-digit number. She multiplied it by and added . Then she switched the digits of the result, obtaining a number between and ...
2017AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is the value of ? Problem 2 Pablo buys popsicles for his friends. The store sells single popsicles for each, -popsicle boxes for each, and -popsicle...
International Young Physicists’ Tournament IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛 2018年真题(附中文翻译) The originator of a new concept finds, as a rule, that it is much more difficult to find out wh...
International Young Physicists’ Tournament IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛 2017年真题 2017年IYPT真题PDF格式原文件 完整版真题资料可以底部二维码免费领取↓↓↓ Truth is ever to be found in simpl...
International Young Physicists’ Tournament IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛 2016年真题 2016年IYPT真题PDF格式原文件 登陆即可免费下载 It is much easier to recognize error than to find ...
International Young Physicists’ Tournament IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛 2015年真题 2015 IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛真题答案与解析下载与解析 请咨询韩林助手小哥哥:linstitute1(微信) “Wou...
International Young Physicists’ Tournament IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛 2014年真题 2014年IYPT真题PDF格式原文件 登陆即可免费下载 2014 IYPT全球青年物理学家锦标赛真题答案与解析下载...
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