为什么参加美国“大联盟”竞赛助力国内升学推优越来越多的中国... 线上需要配备含有摄像功能的计算机,考试的时候会有摄像进行监...
2010 USAMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 Let be a convex pentagon inscribed in a semicircle of diameter . Denote by , , , the feet of the perpendicular...
2011 USAMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 Let , , be positive real numbers such that . Prove that Problem 2 An integer is assigned to each vertex ...
2010 USAJMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 A permutation of the set of positive integers is a sequence such that each element of appears precisely one ...
2011 USAJMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 Find, with proof, all positive integers for which is a perfect square. Problem 2 Let , , be positive real nu...
2012 USAMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 Find all integers such that among any positive real numbers , , , withthere exist three that are the side len...
2013 USAMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 In triangle , points lie on sides respectively. Let , , denote the circumcircles of triangles , , , respectiv...
2012 USAJMO Problems真题及答案 完整版真题免费下载 +答案解析请参考文末 Day 1 Problem 1 Given a triangle , let and be points on segments and , respectively, such that . Let and be distinct point...
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