你有做过活动规划吗? 你拿什么抓住招生官的注意力? 你怎么在无数优秀申请中脱颖而出? 不!要!慌! 翰林 携手IVYPEDIA 为你带来最全活动攻略讲座 给你最强活动背景提升规划 给你独家活动筛选攻略 让你未来的申...
你有做过活动规划吗? 你拿什么抓住招生官的注意力? 你怎么在无数优秀申请中脱颖而出? 不!要!慌! 翰林 携手IVYPEDIA 为你带来最全活动攻略讲座 给你最强活动背景提升规划 给你独家活动筛选攻略 让你未来的申...
2005AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 While eating out, Mike and Joe each tipped their server dollars. Mike tipped of his bill and Joe tipped of his bill. What was the difference, in dolla...
2006AMC10B真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is ? Problem 2 For real numbers and , define . What is ? Problem 3 A football game was played between two teams, the Cougars and the Panthe...
2006AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Sandwiches at Joe's Fast Food cost each and sodas cost each. How many dollars will it cost to purchase 5 sandwiches and 8 sodas? Problem 2 Define . Wha...
AMC10/12每年分别有2次考试机会 分为A卷和B卷,两者并不冲突 根据往年晋级分数线来看 通常情况下B卷难度比A卷难度大 大量美高考生会在A卷比完后再次参加B卷比赛,谁都想要两次机会,再刷一次分不是么?很大程度上...
2007AMC10B真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Isabella's house has bedrooms. Each bedroom is feet long, feet wide, and feet high. Isabella must paint the walls of all the bedrooms. Doorways and w...
2001 AMC 12 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 The sum of two numbers is . Suppose is added to each number and then each of the resulting numbers is doubled. What is the sum of the final two nu...
“我想参加商赛,可是我找不到心怡的队友!” “咋整!商赛倒计时!急缺队友!感到焦虑…” “我想要找个学霸队友!!” 不!要!慌! 翰林来帮你们招募优秀队员 有意向的小伙伴快来报名吧 01国际经济学奥林匹克学术活...
2007AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 One ticket to a show costs at full price. Susan buys 4 tickets using a coupon that gives her a discount. Pam buys 5 tickets using a coupon that gives h...
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