2018AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is the value of Problem 2 Liliane has more soda than Jacqueline, and Alice has more soda than Jacqueline. What is the relationship between the amo...
2018AMC10A真题 答案解析请参考文末 Problem 1 What is the value of Problem 2 Liliane has more soda than Jacqueline, and Alice has more soda than Jacqueline. What is the relationship between the amo...
2018 AMC 12A Answer Key答案解析 翰林国际教育全网首发 Problem 1 答案:D Solution:There arered balls; for these red balls to comprise of the urn, there must be only blue balls. Since there are cur...
2018 AMC 10A Answer Key答案解析 翰林国际教育全网首发 Problem 1 答案:B Solution:, so the reciprocal is. Summing and repeating leads to . Rinse and repeat to get . Adding to that is (B) P...
2018AIME比赛时间 2018AIME北美比赛时间: AIME I 1卷 Competition Date: 3月6日, 2018 AIME II 2卷 Competition Date: 3月21日, 2018 2018AIME 中国比赛时间: AIME I 1卷 Competition Date: 3月7日, 2018 AIME ...
2018AMC10比赛时间 2018AMC10北美比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: February 7, 2018 AMC 10 B卷 Competition Date: February 15, 2018 2018AMC10中国比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: February ...
随着中国学生越来越高的标化成绩和GPA,在申请美国各大高校的时候,高分已不能再吸引招生官的目光,大家都很强。 在这种情况下,擅长考试和学术活动的中国孩子利用参加国际学术活动提升竞争力,也是一个不错的思...
AMC是什么? AMC,American Mathematics Competition,即美国中学生数学学术活动,由美国数学协会举办。AMC是世界上目前信度和效度最高的数学科试题。 而全球进行同步测验的国家还有加拿大、新加坡、香港、日本、...
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1