Dear Colleague: I invite your school’s participation in COMAP’s Twenty–first Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). The HiMCM is designed to provide students with an opportuni...
Dear Colleague: I invite your school’s participation in COMAP’s Twenty–first Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). The HiMCM is designed to provide students with an opportuni...
1美国数学竞赛American Mathematics Contest (AMC)为什么需要参加AMC竞赛认可度高 AMC考试成绩国际通行,广被美国及北美地区...
如何应战2018美国大学生数学建模竞赛? 1. 论文写作非常重要!MCM的奖项分配是很不均的,Outstanding+Finalist一共就十几支队伍...
| SAT2 Physics | SAT2 Chemistry | SAT 数学PUPC | F=maAMC10/12 | 准备AMC | Euclid | HMMT | ARML | AoCMM | 备战美国数学竞赛...
2017HiMCM高中数模大赛结果已经正式公布 2019HiMCM赛程有大变化,点此查看详情 2017HiMCM Outstanding特等奖团队 Capital High School, MT, USA Columbus North High School, IN, USA NC School of Science and M...
2017HiMCM B题特等奖Outstanding论文下载 2017 HiMCM全球高中生数模赛B题全文 Problem B: Ski Slope Winter is coming! In February 2018, PyeongChang, South Korea will host the Winter Olympics. And, in 202...
2017HiMCM数模赛A题 2017HiMCM全球高中生数模赛A题全文如下 Problem A: Drone Clusters as Sky Light Displays Intel® developed its Shooting Star™ drone and is using clusters of these drones for ae...
比赛介绍 数学建模学术活动(MCM)是一项针对高中生和大学生的国际比赛。它旨在发展和推进跨学科解决问题的技巧和书面交流的能力,是唯一的国际性数学建模学术活动,也是世界范围内最具影响力的数学建模学术活动。...
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