2013 HiMCM数模竞赛A题
2013 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Problem: Emergency Medical Response The Emergency Service Coordinator (ESC) for a county is interested in locating the county's three ambulances to best maximize...
2013 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Problem: Emergency Medical Response The Emergency Service Coordinator (ESC) for a county is interested in locating the county's three ambulances to best maximize...
2015HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B Problem: City Crime and Safety What can we make of the massive amount of crime statistics collected in major cities? Beyond just reporting numbers, how can we use...
2015HiMCM数模学术活动A题 2015 Problems A Problem: Preventing Road Rage Have you ever been traveling down a highway when you see one or both of these signs? In some cases, the road simply loses a l...
2016HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B Problem: Shop and Ship As online stores start to compete with traditional brick and mortar stores the goal is to combine the benefits of both types of businesses....
2016HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Problem: Swim, Bike, and Run A triathlon is a multiple-stage athletic endurance competition of three continuous and sequential events, usually long distance swimm...
全网首发 2017HiMCM A题真题请点这里 2017HiMCM特等奖Outstanding A题获奖6所高中 其中三所为中国高中,均为中国顶级国际学校:上海包玉刚学校,深国交,深圳万科梅沙学院 一所新加坡学校,神校来福士 两所美高 T...
全网首发 2017HiMCM B题真题请点这里 2017HiMCM特等奖Outstanding B题获奖学校均为美国高中: Team 8201: Ski Slope NC School of Science and Mathematic, NC, USA 论文摘要,全文下载方法见文末 Team 81...
另外,我们推荐参加DECA全美高中生商业挑战赛、FBLA美国未来商业领袖和SAGE赛智,从易到难排列的.SAGE(Students for the ...
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