2002 HiMCM数模竞赛A题
2002 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A: School Busing Consider a school where most of the students are from rural areas so they must be bused. The buses might pick up all the students and go to the el...
2002 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A: School Busing Consider a school where most of the students are from rural areas so they must be bused. The buses might pick up all the students and go to the el...
2000HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A: Bank Robbers The First National Bank has just been robbed (the position of the bank on the map is marked). The clerk pressed the silent alarm to the police stati...
2003 HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B How fair are major league baseball parks to the players? Consider the following major league baseball parks: Atlanta Braves, Colorado Rockies, New York Yankees, ...
2001 11月HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B: Skyscrapers Skyscrapers vary in height , size (square footage), occupancy rates, and usage. They adorn the skyline of our major cities. But as we have seen ...
2008HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B Problem: Going Green The United States can address its national carbon footprint in two ways: by reducing carbon dioxide emissions or by increasing carbon dioxide...
2003 HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A What is it worth? In 1945, Noah Sentz died in a car accident and his estate was handled by the local courts. The state law stated that 1/3 of all assets and prop...
2008HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A Problem: National Debt and National Crisis Mathematical modeling involves two equally important steps - building models based on real world situations and interpr...
2001 11月HiMCM数模学术活动A题 Problem A: Adolescent Pregnancy You are working temporarily for the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The director is concerned about the issue of teenag...
2004 HiMCM数模学术活动B题 Problem B The Art Gallery Security System An art gallery is holding a special exhibition of small watercolors. The exhibition will be held in a rectangular room that is 22...
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