1986 AMC8真题及答案详解
1986 AMC 8 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 In July 1861, inches of rain fell in Cherrapunji, India. What was the average rainfall in inches per hour during that month? Problem 2 Which of the...
1986 AMC 8 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 In July 1861, inches of rain fell in Cherrapunji, India. What was the average rainfall in inches per hour during that month? Problem 2 Which of the...
1985 AMC 8 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 The area of polygon , in square units, is Problem 5 The bar graph shows the grades in a mathematics class for the last...
2006 AMC 8 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Mindy made three purchases for , , and . What was her total, to the nearest dollar? Problem 2 On the AMC 8 contest Billy answers 13 questions correc...
2007 AMC 8 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Theresa's parents have agreed to buy her tickets to see her favorite band if she spends an average of hours per week helping around the house for ...
2008 AMC 8 真题 答案详细解析请参考文末 Problem 1 Susan had 50 dollars to spend at the carnival. She spent 12 dollars on food and twice as much on rides. How many dollars did she have left to spend?...
2020AMC12美国数学学术活动比赛时间 2020AMC12北美比赛时间: AMC 12 A卷 比赛时间: 1月30日, 2020 AMC 12 B卷 比赛时间: 2月5日, 2020 2020AMC12中国比赛时间: AMC 12 A卷 比赛时间: 大陆赛区不组织,翰林组织...
2020AMC10美国数学学术活动比赛时间 2020AMC10北美比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: 1月30日, 2020 AMC 10 B卷 Competition Date: 2月5日, 2020 2020AMC10中国比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 中国赛区不组织(可...
2019AMC8 部分真题 学术活动报名扫码了解!免费领取历年真题! AMC8 已经告一段落 AMC10/12 征程已开始 2019-2020年 AMC8/10/12/AIME学术活动时间表 2019年6月 MOP夏令营 2019年7月 IMO考试 2019年10月中下旬 AMC...
2019AMC8真题及答案 首发文字版,参考答案见文末(仅供参考) 2019AMC8美国数学学术活动及历年真题答案 AMC 8 Problems Problem 1 Ike and Mike go into a sandwich shop with a total of $30.00 to spend. Sand-...
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