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每年,各大TOP院校都会发布自己的专属书单,目的是给学生们的假期生活提供一个选择🥳 寒假将至,我们从斯坦福商学院的年度书单里,挑选了6 本书推荐给大家,这份书单涵盖了人工智能、商业知识以及对当下金...
申请全球顶尖大学无论是美国的藤校还是英国的G5,都需要经过层层选拔。在众多学生的申请资料中,如何才能脱颖而出呢?对于数学方向感兴趣的同学,Euclid滑铁卢数学竞赛可能是一个很好的机会。 欧几里得数学竞赛的...
由普林斯顿、牛津大学联合举办文商社科生的冲藤秘笈John Locke写作比赛开启,2024年John Locke写作比赛开题啦! 小编已为大家整理好2024年的John Locke各科题目及中文翻译,以及2024时间线,快来看看吧~ John Loc...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:1.1.4 Diffusion Diffusion This is the process by which different gases or different liquids mix and is due to the random motion of their particles Diffusing particles m...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:1.1.3 Pressure & Temperature in Gases Pressure & Temperature in Gases A change in temperature or pressure affects the volume of gases As the air inside a hot ai...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:1.1.2 States of Matter State Changes Melting Melting is when a solid changes into a liquid Requires heat energy which transforms into kinetic energy, allowing the parti...
CIE IGCSE Chemistry: 复习笔记:1.1.1 Kinetic Theory Solids, Liquids & Gases Solids Solids have a fixed volume and shape and they have a high density The atoms vibrate in position but can’t chan...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:21.1.3 Genetic Modification Genetic Modification: Definition Genetic modification Genetic modification is changing the genetic material of an organism by removing, chan...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:21.1.2 Biotechnology Everyday Products Made with Biotechnology Biofuels Yeast is a single celled fungus that uses sugar as its food source When it respires, ethanol and...
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