对话丘奖得主 | Leo:如果对某学科特别感兴趣的话,最好的方式就是去搞科研
“如果对某学科特别感兴趣的话 最好的方式就是去搞科研” - LEO在上周,我们聊了聊丘奖。这周,我们约到了丘成桐计算机铜奖得主Leo同学,跟他做了一个独家专访。我们聊了聊他获奖的课题,他对于科研的态度,还有把...
“如果对某学科特别感兴趣的话 最好的方式就是去搞科研” - LEO在上周,我们聊了聊丘奖。这周,我们约到了丘成桐计算机铜奖得主Leo同学,跟他做了一个独家专访。我们聊了聊他获奖的课题,他对于科研的态度,还有把...
USACO 2017年首轮月赛白金题1 Standing Out from the Herd Just like humans, cows often appreciate feeling they are unique in some way. Since Farmer John's cows all come from the same breed and look qu...
USACO 2017年首轮月赛白金题2 Push a Box Bessie and her friends have invented a new game. The game is named accurately, but not particularly creatively. They call it the "Push A Box Around The Barn T...
USACO 2017年首轮月赛白金级题3 Greedy Gift Takers Farmer John's nemesis, Farmer Nhoj, has N cows (1≤ N ≤ 105), conveniently numbered 1... N. They have unexpectedly turned up at Farmer John's farm, s...
2020-2021 Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda - National Leadership Conference 2020-2021 FBLA美国未来商业领袖峰会 2018翰林学员成为FBLA中国队 主观题(商业文书和演示)唯一进入finalist...
2021-2022Wharton KWHS Investment Competition 2021-2022 沃顿高校投资学术活动 2021-2022年度沃顿KWHS投资学术活动开放报名啦! 项目介绍 The Knowledge@Wharton High School (KWHS) Investment Competition沃...
USACO 2017年首轮月赛银级题3 THE BOVINE SHUFFLE Convinced that happy cows generate more milk, Farmer John has installed a giant disco ball in his barn and plans to teach his cows to dance! Looking u...
USACO 2017年首轮月赛银级题2 Milk Measurement Each of Farmer John's cows initially produces gallons of milk per day (1≤G≤109 ). Since the milk output of a cow is known to potentially change over tim...
USACO 2017年首轮月赛银级题1 MY COW ATE MY HOMEWORK In your bovine history class, you have been given a rather long homework assignment with questions (3≤N≤100,000 ), each graded with an integer sco...
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