BPhO英国物理奥赛战绩 再创辉煌,增添一枚超级金奖! 截止2.21发稿前,翰林国际教育共收获 6枚超级金奖!! 3枚金奖! 8枚银奖! 20枚铜奖! 2021BPhO战绩 BPhO英国物理奥赛 6枚超级金奖 L同学 福州一中 L同...
BPhO英国物理奥赛战绩 再创辉煌,增添一枚超级金奖! 截止2.21发稿前,翰林国际教育共收获 6枚超级金奖!! 3枚金奖! 8枚银奖! 20枚铜奖! 2021BPhO战绩 BPhO英国物理奥赛 6枚超级金奖 L同学 福州一中 L同...
2021 AMC 12B 真题与答案 文末答案 Problem 1 How many integer values of satisfy Problem 2 At a math contest, students are wearing blue shirts, and another students are wearing yellow shirts. The ...
2021 AMC 12A 真题与答案 文末答案 Problem1 What is the value of Problem2 Under what conditions does hold, where and are real numbers? It is never true. It is true if and only if . It is true if and ...
2021 AMC 10B 真题及答案 参考答案见文末(仅供参考) Problem1 How many integer values of satisfy ? Problem2 What is the value of Problem3 In an after-school program for juniors and seniors, there is...
2021 AMC 10A 真题及答案 参考答案见文末(仅供参考) Problem1 What is the value of Problem2 Portia's high school has times as many students as Lara's high school. The two high schools have a total of...
2020 BPhO英国物理奥赛 获奖名单公布了 !!! 翰林再添新战绩! 斩获5枚超级金奖! 翰林学员获奖率高达70%! 2021战绩 BPhO英国物理奥赛 翰林学员获得 5枚 超级金奖 Top Gold 3枚 金奖 Gold 8枚 银...
2022留学申请季吹响号角 留学人准备“开工”啦! Common App公布 2021-2022申请季7道主文书题目 ref:www.commonapp.org/blog/2021-2022-common-app-essay-prompts 作为美国本科三大申请系统、国际学生使用最多的...
翰林精心推荐寒假书单 纵观斩获顶尖藤校offer的他们,没有一个同学是不热爱读书的!就像英国散文家、哲学家培根说过的:“Reading gives people pleasure, brilliance and talent.”(读书给人以乐趣,给人以光...
英国物理奥林匹克学术活动 感谢大家参与2020年英国物理奥赛 (BPhO)。此次比赛中国赛区共有来自全国310所国际学校和重点中学的近 2000 名同学参赛,取得了十分优异的成绩。全球奖获奖选手将有资格获邀参加英国物理...
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