2018AMC10比赛时间 2018AMC10北美比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: February 7, 2018 AMC 10 B卷 Competition Date: February 15, 2018 2018AMC10中国比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: February ...
2018AMC10比赛时间 2018AMC10北美比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: February 7, 2018 AMC 10 B卷 Competition Date: February 15, 2018 2018AMC10中国比赛时间: AMC 10 A卷 Competition Date: February ...
全网首发 2017HiMCM A题真题请点这里 2017HiMCM特等奖Outstanding A题获奖6所高中 其中三所为中国高中,均为中国顶级国际学校:上海包玉刚学校,深国交,深圳万科梅沙学院 一所新加坡学校,神校来福士 两所美高 T...
全网首发 2017HiMCM B题真题请点这里 2017HiMCM特等奖Outstanding B题获奖学校均为美国高中: Team 8201: Ski Slope NC School of Science and Mathematic, NC, USA 论文摘要,全文下载方法见文末 Team 81...
United States Academic Decathlon 美国学术十项全能 项目介绍 USAD(United States Academic Decathlon)是美国权威的综合性主题学术团队学术活动,迄今已拥有50 多年的运营历史及学术积淀。 USAD 在美国学术界...
USACO 2018 January Contest, Platinum Problem 3. Sprinklers 2018年1月USACO美国计算机奥赛白金级题3 Farmer John has a large field, and he is thinking of planting sweet corn in some part of it. After s...
USACO 2018 January Contest, Platinum Problem 1. Lifeguards 2018年1月USACO美国计算机奥赛白金级题1 Farmer John has opened a swimming pool for his cows, figuring it will help them relax and produce mo...
USACO 2018 January Contest, Platinum Problem 2. Cow at Large 2018年1月USACO美国计算机奥赛白金级题2 Cornered at last, Bessie has gone to ground in a remote farm. The farm consists of NN barns (2≤N≤7...
USACO 2018 January Contest, Bronze Problem 3. Out of Place 2018年1月USACO美国计算机奥赛铜级题3 Feeling ambitious, Farmer John plans to attempt something that never seems to go quite right: he wants...
USACO 2018 January Contest, Bronze Problem 2. Lifeguards 2018年1月USACO美国计算机奥赛铜级题2 Farmer John has opened a swimming pool for his cows, figuring it will help them relax and produce more m...
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