2002 AMC 8 真题与答案及免费中文视频详解(翰林独家)
2002 AMC 8 Problems & Solutions 2002 AMC 8 真题与答案及中文视频详解(翰林独家) Problem 1 A circle and two distinct lines are drawn on a sheet of paper. What is the largest possible number of poi...
2002 AMC 8 Problems & Solutions 2002 AMC 8 真题与答案及中文视频详解(翰林独家) Problem 1 A circle and two distinct lines are drawn on a sheet of paper. What is the largest possible number of poi...
2001 AMC 8 Problems & Solutions 2001 AMC 8 真题与答案及中文视频详解(翰林独家) Problem 1 Casey's shop class is making a golf trophy. He has to paint 300 dimples on a golf ball. If it take...
2000 AMC 8 Problems & Solutions 2000 AMC 8 真题与答案及中文视频详解(翰林独家) Problem 1 Aunt Anna is years old. Caitlin is years younger than Brianna, and Brianna is half as old as Aunt Anna....
1999 AMC 8 Problems & Solutions 1999 AMC 8 真题与答案及中文视频详解(翰林独家) 翰林AMC8课程体系流程图 Problem 1 To make this statement true, the question mark between the 6 and the 3 should be ...
全网首发 2018HiMCM特等奖Outstanding B题 获奖2所高中 分别为一所新加坡和美国的高中 Team 8506: The Future is Here: ThermostaX Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore 论文摘要,全文下载方法见文末 Team 9247: H...
全网首发 2018HiMCM A题真题请点这里 2018HiMCM特等奖Outstanding A题获奖5所高中 今年获奖学校均为中国顶级国际学校:江苏省天一中学,广东碧桂园学校,上海七宝德怀特中学,上海包玉刚学校,江苏省常州高级中学...
湖南信息学院2019年全国大学生数学竞赛校级选拔赛试题已经公布... 目前位于美国关岛东南方向约1150公里处.未来将继续西行,并逐...
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