CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:11.1.2 The Breathing System
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:11.1.2 The Breathing System The Breathing System Structures in the human breathing system 转载自savemyexams
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:11.1.2 The Breathing System The Breathing System Structures in the human breathing system 转载自savemyexams
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:11.1.1 Features of Gas Exchange Surfaces Features of Gas Exchange Surfaces The surfaces where gas exchange occurs in an organism are very different and different organi...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.8 Cholera Cholera Cholera causes diarrhoea Diarrhoea is the loss of watery faeces from the anus If it is severe and continues for a long time, it can lead to death...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.7 Passive Immunity & Breastfeeding Passive Immunity & Breastfeeding Passive immunity is a fast-acting, short-term defence against a pathogen by antibodies ...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.6 Preventing the Spread of Disease: Extended Preventing the Spread of Disease: Extended If a large enough percentage of the population is vaccinated, it provides p...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.5 Vaccination: Extended Vaccination: Extended Vaccinations give protection against specific diseases and boost the body’s defence against infection from pathogens ...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.4 Antigens & Antibodies: Extended Antigens & Antibodies: Extended All cells have proteins and other substances projecting from their cell membrane These ar...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.3 Active Immunity: Extended Active Immunity: Extended Making antibodies and developing memory cells for future response to infection is known as active immunity Th...
CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:10.1.2 Controlling the Spread of Disease Controlling the Spread of Disease The simplest way to prevent disease is to stop pathogens from spreading This means using simp...
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