此套Section I试卷计时55分钟
Questions 1 - 4 refer to the image below.
Giorgio Vasari, The Massacre of the Huguenots, painting commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII for the papal residence in the Vatican, 1574
Alinari / Art Resource, NY
Vasari’s painting depicts an episode of government-sanctioned mob violence against Protestants in France, sometimes called the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572).
1)Incidents such as the one depicted in Vasari’s painting contributed most directly to which of the following?
2)Which of the following was most directly intended to resolve the conflict illustrated in Vasari’s painting?
3)Based on the imagery and intended audience of Vasari’s painting, the artist’s most likely purpose was to portray the events in the painting as
4) Vasari’s interpretation of the events depicted in the painting would most likely have been shared by which of the following groups in the sixteenth century?
Questions 5 - 7 refer to the passage below.
“All the dregs of humanity produced in the provinces make up the population of this city, and in this lies its greatness: not in fine buildings, and not in great merchants and thinkers and men of letters, as make Paris, London, Lisbon, and Amsterdam great cities; but in those of the lowest behavior and dishonesty, who, by intermarrying increase and multiply so that each generation is worse than the one before.”
Bernardo Tanucci, satirical description of his home city of Naples, Italy,
Epistolario, 1742
5) Which of the following can best be inferred from Tanucci’s sarcastic reference to Naples’ greatness?
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