2009 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载2332
12th Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) Summary Sheet (Please attach a copy of this page to each copy of your Solution Paper.)
Team Control Number: 2332 Problem Chosen: B
Please type a summary of your results on this page. Please remember not to include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page.
Tsunamis are devastating to the areas they hit. They cause not only human loss, but property damage and societal harm as well. To build a model of the devastation a tsunami would cause in San Francisco, CA; Hilo, HI; New Orleans, LA; Charleston, SC; New York, NY; Boston, MA; and Seaside, OR, we considered all three types of devastation and designed a 100-point devastation scale that compares the total devastation caused to a city. Our model allows one to predict the devastation based on the city’s characteristics and the magnitude of the earthquake, which determines the severity of the tsunami.
In our model we looked at the devastation of the seven cities by comparing damaged property, threat to human life, and social impact of the destruction. Threat to human life was quantified by the thoroughness of each city’s emergency response and evacuation plans, as well as the percentage of the city’s population that must evacuate and the furthest distance an evacuee must walk to reach safe ground. The cost of damaged property was calculated by adding the values of all the houses and major buildings in the city’s inundation zone (area of the city flooded by tsunami waves). Social impact was quantified by examining the socially important buildings, such as police stations, hospitals, and schools, in the inundation zone that would be destroyed. Each category’s values were adjusted to fit on the 100point scale, in which 0 is no damage and 100 is the complete destruction of the city. Because these devastation scores assume the entire inundation area was affected by the tsunami, we also utilized a tsunami magnitude equation, which adjusts the devastation value for the severity of the tsunami based on the magnitude of the earthquake.
Overall we found that in the event of a severe tsunami, New York City would experience the most destruction, 41.292 points, followed by New Orleans, 25.862, Seaside, 25.114, San Francisco, 19.31, Charleston, 9.325, Boston, 8.264, and Hilo, 5.675. To analyze our model, we compared our findings to data from recent tsunamis around the world.
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