2010 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载2796
1 Introduction
As urban develop throughout the world continues to expand, there is a natural contingency for crime. The weak socioeconomical status of parts of the city may make the regions conducive to problems with gangs and violence. For regulation of city crimes, resources are allocated to provide these deprived communities with opportunities for jobs and education. However, other cities put emphasis on enforcement of the crimes via an increased officers and investment police department resources. Regardless, crime is an issue that concerns any populated metropolitan area. In this study, we look to determine the source of crime.
2 General Assumptions and Justifications
Similar populated sized cities have similar areas, amount of schools, and layout. Justification: Population of a city is limited to the size of that city; a smaller sized city cannot grow and be as populated as a larger area city. The population affects the number of schools and other infrastructure; more people require more schools and a more infrastructure. Similarly populated cites, therefore, would have a similarly sized region and a similar amount of schools.
The city can be modeled using a pure square grid system. Justification: When observing the two cities that best matched the demographics of the given city, we noticed that these cities mostly followed a grid system. We generalized that this city can be modeled with a pure square grid, therefore, to make the problem more solvable.
Schools are placed where there is a population need.
Justification: Schools are placed where there is need. If a region in not populated, then there would not be a need for a school there.
Assumption: People are not predisposed to commit crime. Justification: If people inherently commit crime, then under any circumstance, they will still commit crime, making the problem impossible to solve. Assuming solvability of the issues is necessary to solve it.
National-level crimes involving state and federal officials will not be committed.
Justification: Few crimes become national headlines and the chance that it will happen in a specific city is even smaller.
Unemployment statistics do not include teenagers.
Justification: The U.S unemployment rate is calculated by the number of people who collect unemployment checks. Teens do not formally collect unemployment checks and are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
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