2012 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载3413
High School Mathema/cs Compe//on in Modelling
Team 3455
Problem B -‐ How Much Gas Should I Buy This Week?
The problem here is (just as the problem states) to determine how much gas to buy on any given week. Essen=ally, we develop a model to predict gasoline prices based on fundamental variables and a recursive formula.
Our Thoughts
We are given two cases, one where the consumer drives 100 miles per week and one where the consumer drives 200 miles per week. If we were to have the op=on of adding as much gas we would like, then there would be a large number of choices and complicated the model to reduce accuracy. Instead, we deemed accuracy to be of more importance and limited the choices of the consumer to binary form every week.
We divided our solu=on into 5 parts:
Part I) Establishing Preliminaries
Our Assump=ons, Defini=ons, Variables, and General Analysis; these are constantly referred in the model
Part II) The General Pricing Model
Here we determine quan=ta=ve factors as well as the laws of supply and demand to create a model that could predict future gas prices. We create theore=cal models and then find the effects of the actual data to create an accurate pricing model.
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