2016 HiMCM commentary
What a fantastic endeavor the High School MathematicalC ontest in Modeling (HiMCM)c ontinues to be for students,a dvisors, schools, and judges! We congratulate our 2016 Outstanding and National Finalist Teams as we celebrate our nineteenth year.
Outstanding Teams
Chesterfield County Math/Science high School at Clover hill, Midlothian, VA, USA. Advisor: Pete Peterson.
hangzhou no. 14 high School, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. Advisor: Lin Xia.
illinois Mathematics and Science academy, Aurora, IL, USA. Advisor: Steven Condie.
Miss Porter’s School, Farmington, CT, USA. Advisor: Matthew Poage.
north Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, NC, USA. Advisor: Daniel Teague (3 Teams).
the affiliated high School of South China normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Advisor: Jingshu Huang.
the high School affiliated to renmin University, Beijing, China. Advisor: Yi Li.
National Finalist Teams
archbishop Williams high School, Braintree, MA, USA. Advisor: Christopher Brunner.
Capital high School, Helena, MT, USA. Advisor: Dennis Peterson.
Chesterfield County Math/Science high School at Clover hill, Midlothian, VA, USA. Advisor: Pete Peterson.
Friends’ Central School, Wynnewood, PA, USA. Advisor: Julie Plunkett.
illinois Mathematics and Science academy, Aurora, IL, USA. Advisor: Steven Condie.
Mills e. Godwin high School, Henrico, VA, USA. Advisor: Miranda Watson.
oregon episcopal School, Portland, OR, USA. Advisor: Lauren Shareshian.
the high School affiliated to renmin University of China, Beijing, China. Advisor: Di Wu.
Woodbridge high School, Irvine, CA, USA. Advisor: David Gesk.
The solutions we received were truly impressive. The participating teams accomplished the vision of the HiMCM’s founders by providing unique and creative mathematical solutions to complex open-ended realworld problems. As in the past, students chose from two problems, both representing “real-world issues.” This year’s problems allowed students to either plan for a triathlon in the Swim, Bike, and Run Problem A, or expand a company’s warehouse locations to offer 1-day shipping in the Shop and Ship Problem B. The final judging results and 2016 statistics are shown in Figure 1.
Judging Results
The mathematical modeling ability of participating students and their advisors continues to be evident in the problem solutions and professional submissions we receive. As students and advisors engage in mathematical modeling at a higher level, we are happy and excited to assist their efforts.
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