2013 HiMCM A题特等奖学生论文下载4498
Traveling at the Speed of Life: Optimizing the Efficiency of
Ambulances in a Multizonal County
Team # 4498
November 10, 2013
1 Summary
In tackling the problem, we considered the ideal distributions of ambulances among the zones depending on the number of ambulances that are available. To do this, we had to develop criteria to be able to compare distributions. To do this, a simplifying assumption was first made and then removed.
If we assume that only one emergency call will happen at a time (two calls will not happen in close succession so that the response to one affects the possibilities of response to the other), we can consider the percent of the population that can be reached by an ambulance in under 8 minutes as a preliminary statistic. Using a computer based search of all of the possible distributions of algorithms, we found that there were 13 distributions of 3 ambulances which cover 100% of the population in under 8 minutes. Therefore, to compare these distributions, we calculated the average response time for each distribution. There was a clearly superior distribution: stationing an ambulance in each of zones 1, 2, and 5.
We repeated this search for an ideal allocation of two ambulances. We found that only one distribution of 2 ambulances resulted in 100% of the population being reached in under 8 minutes: positioning one in region 2 and the other in region 5. Finally, we considered one ambulance, and found that the ideal zone to place it in was zone 2 so as to reach the maximum number of people in under 8 minutes.
Additionally, given these ideal distributions, it was considered how much time was required to move between them given that an ambulance suddenly became available or unavailable. However, for ambulances that become unavailable for short, predictable periods of time (such as would happen from taking a call) it was considered on a case-by-case basis whether it would be beneficial to move the remaining ambulances or simply wait for the ambulance to become available again.
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