2017 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载8124
As the 2018 Winter Olympics is approaching, skiing fans are excited and prompted to construct a new ski resorts in Wasatch Peaks Ranch. Upon their request, we construct 21 skiing routes with 1-2-2 difficulty level distribution and a total slope length over 160 kilometers.
In part 1, we simplify the problem by constructing a 13-by-13 0-1 matrix, seeking all the potential ski slopes as decision variables. To construct a topological structure for the routes, we find the nodes on the smooth terrains by comparing the normal vectors. We fill the matrix with 1 or 0 to show whether the node is used after optimizing the solution using Lingo. On top of that, we apply Cluster Analysis to group the peaks into different groups to find the typical peaks and bowls that can be applied to the Linear Programming (0-1 matrix) Model.
In part 2, we evaluate all the given data by employing multiple-criteria decision analysis. Our design of the resort is within the top 5 resorts among the given resorts. After processing the data, we go through an analytic hierarchy process to construct a clear criteria and apply it to our design. The major criteria include the total distance, skiable acres, vertical drop, number of runs, distribution of difficulty, number of lifts, and annual snowfall.
After building our model, we come up with specific solution and design to each question.
Keywords: 0-1 matrix, multiple-criteria decision analysis, optimal solution, analytical hierarchy process, pairwise comparison.
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