2013 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载3976
Customer service is one of the major financial activities banks around the world carry out. High-quality and efficiency of customer service are not only indispensable for ensuring a satisfactory banking experience for customers, but alsocrucialfor helpingthe bankearn profitsand enhancereputation. However, the problem of long lines continues to bother many commercial banks despite their great efforts to improve the situation. In this paper, our task was to determine whether the current customer service of the bank in Problem B was at the ideal level proposed by the manager. If it turned out to be dissatisfactory, we would have to consider the most efficient ways to optimize the current system and put forward our recommendations to the manager.
OurmodelswereallbasedonthefamousQueuingTheory. Beforeconstructing models, we calculated the average arrival rate of customers and the average service rate of servers using data provided by the problem. After obtaining thetwonecessaryparameters,wewereabletostartonourfirstmodel—M/G/1 QueuingModeltocomputetheaveragewaitingtimeandaveragequeuelength. Theresultsweobtainedfromcomputationwere6.599personsforaveragequeue length and 17.504 minutes for average waiting time. Because these values obviously exceeded the ideal results, we found that the current service system was far from satisfactory and it definitely needed appropriate improvements.
Therefore, our next step was to construct models that would help identify theminimalchangestothecurrentsystem. Keepingthenotionofoptimumand profit maximization in mind, we altogether proposed three recommendations.
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