2013 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载4093
In a theoretical bank, a manager wishes to improve service and wants the average customer to wait less than 2 minutes for service and the average length of the waiting line to be 2 persons or fewer. Our model was designed to simulate the current conditions of the bank and to determine to what degree the service should be improved to meet the required conditions if the current services were ineffective.
We decided to model this problem using a computer program written in Java that would simulate, using a loop, an actual bank day in which 150 customers entered the bank and were processed. Then, we determined how many people were in line and stored the values in an array for later access; we also calculated the time that each person waited and stored those values into an array. However, the calculations were rather complex so instead of making a queue in a computer program, we stored each customer’s arrival time, waiting time and leaving time as elements of arrays because we discarded the customer at the end of each loop. However, we were surprised at the data generated; in fact, so much so that we created another program that used altered logic with the same probabilities to confirm the results. After ten runs, results were consistent with our original model. Therefore, confident of the legitimacy of our results, we began to brainstorm ways to improve service.
However, we encountered a problem that forced us to optimize the bank service in two different manners, not one. The problem was that we were uncertain whether the manager wanted every “average customer” to wait less than 2 minutes for service, a requirement that would be theoretically impossible, or whether the manager wanted each customer to have an average wait time of less than 2 minutes for service, a requirement that could be more easily optimized and practically implemented. Ultimately, we were able to brainstorm two solutions to each of these conditions that would maintain reasonable burden on workers but provide a satisfying business-growing experience to customers. The solution for the first interpretation optimized the bank service so that 90% of all average customers wait in line for less than two minutes (35% two-minute service time and 65% one-minute service time). The solution for the second interpretation optimized the bank service so that all customers wait in line for an average of less than two minutes (40% three-minute service time, and in increase in two-minute service time by 5% and one-minute service time by 10%). !
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