2014 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载5295
17th Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)
Summary Sheet (Please attach a copy of this page to your Solution Paper.)
Team Control Number: 5295
Problem Chosen: B
Please type a summary of your results on this page. Please remember not to include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page.
Ebola has caused the death of 784 individuals since the year 2000. Although there has not yet been a large, global outbreak of this disease, it has devastated many of the communities it has appeared in, before being quarantined and eventually eradicated from said area.. Ebola is a member of the filoviridae family of disease. Filoviridae are known for causing hemorrhaging of blood went contracted. Filoviridae, like all viruses lack an established overreaching cure, or, in other words, there is not a single method for curing viruses like there is for bacterium. In large, establish communities with adequate medical facilities, treatment can be administered such that there is a significant increase in survival rate. An outbreak of Ebola in Africa, for example had a 70% mortality rate despite foreign medical professionals being sent to administer care. Contrarily, in the current outbreak of Ebola in the United States shows a much lower mortality rate of 20%. While Ebola is not as dangerous in large, wealthy countries prepared to care for diseases, it is extremely devastating in smaller less prepared communities.
A case study of a disease showing the same symptoms of the Ebola virus was discovered in a small town in Indonesia. The population of the town when it was discovered the disease was present was 300 people. When the disease was discovered, 150 of those 300 people were shown to have symptoms of the virus. Furthermore, during the time the initial study was conducted 15 of the people showing symptom perished. Because the initial conditions precluded much in the way of preventative action, our primary goals were the containment of the disease and the minimization of its effects on the island’s citizens.
In order to effectively combat the disease, not only in the model community, but in other potential communities, a flexible model was created that could be altered to several specific conditions.
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