2015 HiMCM B题特等奖学生论文下载5967
18th Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)
Summary Sheet
Team Control Number: 5967
Problem Chosen: B
Crime is a problem shared by essentially all major metropolitan areas. It is often a priority of local and city governments to reduce the spread of criminal activity within their jurisdictions, as a city’s safety is often an indicator of its economic success and the happiness of its citizens. As such, it is important to be able to gauge a city’s safety with respect to crime in comparison to others, in order to determine if a city is effectively combatting the crime within its borders. This is the purpose behind our mathematical and computational model, which considers many different factors contributing to the safety of a city.
Our model generates a singular, easily interpretable ‘crime rating’ that can be compared to that of other major cities’ in order to judge the overall safety of citizens. To do this, our model was constructed keeping in mind that we would need to be able to evaluate My City as accurately as possible utilizing the massive amount of information provided to us. At the same time, however, we would also need to be able to compare the safety of My City to that of other reallife cities which may not have as readily available data. As such, the model we designed is not only accurate, but flexible.
We constructed our model around the following parameters that would contribute to a city’s safety: the number of crimes taking place over a given period of time, the number of people affected by these crimes, the severity of different crimes, the efficiency of police in arresting criminals, the proximity of different crimes to residential areas, and the relative distribution of crime throughout the city. In order to take into account all of the crimes reported and listed in the given spreadsheet, we utilized Microsoft Excel and Java programming to quickly analyze the data and yield results in a timely manner. We were also able to use far less comprehensive statistics from online sources in the same model to make comparisons between My City and reallife cities in order to determine safety.
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