在中国只要有人一提起“世故” 两字,人们马上会联想到待人接物老练圆滑,不得罪人,左右逢源之类的人和现象,都是贬义的。我们的一些古装剧或宫廷戏里也经常会有一些老于世故,深得皇上恩宠的(臣民总是带着低头哈腰的奉承、虚情假意的吹捧这样的姿态,而那些被奉承和吹捧的对象还非常享受这样的氛围和排场,自以为这是至高无上的权威和名门旧族的声望的体现。他们把“世故”等同于奉承和吹捧,于是“世故”这个词约定俗成般地成了圆滑的代名词)。必须承认,阿谀奉承在欧洲中世纪的官场和宫廷里也大行其道,但是总的来说,相比中国官场文化,欧洲文化比较早地进化了“世故”(sophistication)这个概念,给了它一个更接近于“开明、智慧、品味、修养”的定义,使之趋于褒义。
这里必须提一下法国的亨利四世。他是带领法国乃至欧洲走出迂腐、愚昧和黑暗年代的君主之一,也是法国历史上最有人情味的国王,人称 Good King Henri(贤明王亨利)。他在位时,不喜欢展示国君的威仪,同时乐于倾听别人对自己的批评。他喜欢听笑话也允许他人拿自己开玩笑,他甚至曾微服私访去观看市井百姓讽刺自己的戏剧,结果国王自己的笑声震惊四座。贤明王亨利比较好地诠释了欧美文化中对“世故”的理解和推崇,他们所理解和推崇的“世故”和奉承、吹捧无关,而是一种“深谙世故,却不世故”的境界。
三句话不离本行,我们要讨论的是出国留学,我们如何去摒弃“世故” 这个概念中贬义的那部分,发挥其褒义的成分,去其糟粕,取其精华?我之前引用过一个美国学生申请杜克商学院文书的一小段,但是没有详细地解说,在这里再次拿出来点评一下,以此呼应我们有关“世故”的话题。
My role model is Tim Russert, a man for whom I had the honor to work before he passed away. His incredible talent was impressive, but it was his caring, principled and gregarious personality that to me, as an intern, was a formative and early example of a ‘Leader of Consequence.’ I consider working for him my greatest privilege, and I miss his presence in the news every day.(我崇拜的偶像,我的人生榜样是Tim Russert,我有幸在他去世之前为他做了一些事,是他接待的实习生。他的才华出众自不用说,给我印象最深的,让我最早初步形成“领导大格局”这个概念的,是他关心他人、讲原则和交际当中的亲善力。我能有机会跟他一起工作是我的福分。我每天收看新闻时都会想念他)
我首先要介绍一下Tim Russert(提姆·拉瑟特)这个人。他是美国有名的记者兼律师,主持NBC(美国国家广播公司)星期日访谈节目《与媒体见面》(Meet the Press)长达16年,曾采访过众多政治人物,以材料准备充分、提问尖锐但不失恭敬、分析时政深入浅出而著称,于2008年6月13日在工作时因心脏病突发去世。这位学生能有机会在拉瑟特有生之年给他作实习生当然是非常有幸的,足可以大书特书。学生蛮可以用自我恭维、自我欣赏的方式炫耀一番自己与名人共事的经历,但是他够成熟,他没有这样做,相反他大大方方地把赞美之词给了拉瑟特本人,给了拉瑟特留给他的一份宝贵的精神遗产,这份精神遗产就是有关如何待人,如何讲原则,如何在善待人的同时对社会议题和新闻事件毫不留情地刨根问底这样一种执着和认真。这个学生的世故还反映在他是如何使用沟通的技巧非常贴切地表达了自己对杜克商学院的了解和青睐。他的这段文字里面提到了“Leader of Consequence” 这个概念,我不知道中国有没有官方译文,我暂且把它翻译成“领导大格局”。这个词汇和杜克Fuqua商学院息息相关,它是由杜克商学院前院长及教授Blair Sheppard 率先提出和提倡的。Fuqua商学院的教育宗旨和目标就是培养有大格局的领导人。Sheppard 教授认为a Leader of Consequence is someone who is able to effectively perform as a leader andas a team player; they are brilliant andalso human; they are analytical anda globalist. The “and” is at the core of the idea – we are not this OR that, we are this AND that (但凡有大格局的领导者,不仅能有效地充当一个领头羊,同时也能有效地充当一个普通的团队成员;他们既聪明过人,同时又是富有人情味、吃人间烟火的平民百姓;他们既有强大的分析和算计能力,同时又是全球化主义者。这个概念中最核心的部分就是“既是,又是”,而不是“是这样,或是那样”,也就是说一个大格局的领导风格和领导者是有血有肉的,全方位发展的,眼界开阔的,是集优秀和平凡于一身的。学生的高明之处就在于巧妙地采用源自于杜克的这个概念和说法,并冠之于其崇拜的拉瑟特身上。近二十年来,我辅导过不少申请杜克商学院的中国学生,面临同样的问题,他们当中很多人会写自己到网站上去看Fuqua商学院的资料,或从就读于杜克的学姐学弟的沟通交流当中,学到了Leader of Consequence这个概念,深深地被杜克大学,尤其是杜克商学院的教育理念和学校名列前茅的排名所折服。相比之下,我们是否意识到“通达世故”这个东西很重要,缺乏“老练思维”的文字黯然失色。
比如威斯康辛麦迪逊大学的 “Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison”。
密歇根安娜堡大学的 “Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests”?
芝加哥大学的 “Susan Sontag(1951年毕业的名校友,作家、哲学家和政治活动家), wrote that “silence remains, inescapably, a form of speech.” Write about an issue or a situation when you remained silent, and explain how silence may speak in ways that you did or did not intend (这是芝加哥过期的题目,最近几期的题目往往也有相同类型的)
看到这样的题目,很多中国学生比较头疼,这是可以理解的,因为我们大多数的同学申请这些学校主要是冲着它们的知名度和排名,并不是对学校有什么切身的体验和感受,也不是因为对这些学校或者这些学校的知名人士有多么深入细微的了解。他们以为这些题就是让申请者恭维一下校方。我希望学生仔细想想这些学校真的是在乞求申请人的奉承和吹捧吗?它们真的是缺乏社会和公众的褒扬吗?我再希望学生仔细想想,上述学校出这样的题目,是不是在考验你对该校的了解程度和你选择该校或该院系或该专业的动机(撇开它的排名和知名度不算),是不是也在考验你,即便想褒扬你所心仪的大学或专业,你的褒扬之词是否贴切,是否真实,是否能反映出学生的成熟和练达?(要知道大喊“万岁,万岁,万万岁” 的人和喜欢被喊“万岁,万岁,万万岁”的人的心智是绝对不成熟的,更谈不上练达)。
几年前我接触过一个高中生,他最心仪的学校和专业是密歇根大学(UofM)的工程学院Bachelor of Engineering的计算机专业和文理学院Bachelor of Science 数学专业的双学位项目。他的英文功底好,标准化考试成绩也相当靓丽,他最突出的地方是他在高中阶段就做过几项颇有“技术含量”的研究,这些研究或多或少地反映了他比较强的量性分析、概率统计、编程、自动化、数学建模以及发现问题和解决问题的能力,包括动手能力。应该说绝大多数的高中生还不具备这些能力,所以这位学生相对比较超前的科研能力对他申请UofM肯定是有利的。他在面临上述这道附加题的时候也非常困惑:除了能写自己的特长和科研“成就” ,尤其是他为帮助老年人而设计的会抬举重量的机器人,参加机器人大赛之外,想不出来如何把密歇根大学的特色,它的课程设置、两所院校突出的和吸引人的地方,以及该大学提供的各种纯科研和运用科研相结合、科研和商业相结合的项目和机会与自己申请该大学校双学位的动机结合在一起;除了很笼统地写了UofM知名度和学校及专业排名之类寥寥两句恭维话,再也想不出来还能写什么有说服力的文字了。我给该学生的建议是首先要大幅度删减有关参加机器人比赛以及获奖的细节,因为这道题是说UofM什么地方吸引你,你知道些什么有关UofM的事情,你想在UofM哪个院系学什么专业,你的动机为何等等,而不是脱离UofM说“我”的故事;接着我要求学生去搜索一下他感兴趣的院系的情况介绍和包括对教职员工和知名校友以及他们的科研成就的介绍,对相关实验室和各种为本科生提供的各种各样的实验、实习和参赛机会的介绍,这些背景信息肯定会给学生带来不少启发。说来也巧,那年, 2014年,密歇根大学大名鼎鼎的诺贝尔奖获主丁肇中正好在中国访问,报纸上电视里都登了这则新闻,还有中国日报的英文报道也详细介绍了丁教授的阿尔法磁谱仪(AMS)实验的最新进展,以及他为发现暗物质(宇宙中广泛存在的不可见物质),探索宇宙结构奥秘而作的不懈努力。我强力建议学生把这则新闻纳入文书,作为写UofM是如何吸引“我”的切入点,另外,丁肇中在中国和在其他许多场合多次强调基础科研和基础研究的重要性,而这番语重心长的话和学生的专业选择和科研兴趣,和UofM的工程和文理院校为学生提供的各种可以施展基础研究才华的途径和机会不谋而合。于是,下面的这份改进版的文书就出现了:
A recent piece of news has caught my attention. Professor Samuel Ting, a Nobel laureate in physics, a great University of Michigan alum, is currently visiting China and giving speeches on his latest experimental results of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)in the International Space Station, providing up-to-date experimental data for the detection and discovery of dark matter and understanding of the structure of the Universe. Professor Ting is well-known in China, particularly among students, not only because he is of Chinese descent but also because he completed his bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programs in a record-breaking six years, an achievement no other UofM students at his time could match.
Professor Ting is much admired in China for yet another reason: he delivered his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 1976 in Mandarin Chinese, no small feat considering he was born and bred in the States and Chinese must have been his second or foreign language. I find these anecdotes about Professor Ting interesting, however, I am more intrigued by the content of his speech then and the message he has brought with him to China now . I want to know whether he has any words of wisdom for people like myself and I’ve found them:
“… A theory in natural science cannot be without experimental foundations; I hope that awarding the Nobel Prize to me will awaken the interest of students from the developing nations so that they will realize the importance of experimental work.” (1976)
“Today we enjoy unprecedented technological achievements brought about by fundamental scientific research that have greatly improved our quality of life. Communication devices and computer technologies are just a few examples. People so easily forget that scientists laid the foundation for these achievements, scientists driven to complete ceaseless explorations for field advancement, not economic benefit. Technological development is deeply rooted in this fundamental research.” (2014)
The message I have picked up from Professor Ting is that fundamental scientific research and experimental work rely heavily on experimental foundations. To me, mathematics and computer science are two essential building blocks or what Professor Ting calls experimental foundations in this day and age. I am particularly attracted by UofM’s mathematics and computer science programs at LSA and Engineering School for several reasons: first, I have strong mathematics and scientific experiment background, having participated in traffic light improvement research and in First Lego League Youth Innovation competition in which I was the first-prize winner in the China region for having designed a multi-functional roly-poly walking cane that rights itself when pushed over and a robot that does heavy lifting for senior citizens; second, UofM provides students numerous hands-on opportunities, including high-profile competitions from robotics to solar energy to mobile application challenge and researches in climate change and economic trends using mathematical modeling and data mining tools. I am hopeful that my proposed dual degree program will give me what Professor Ting calls the solid experimental foundations on which innovation and scientific advancement depends.
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1