生物获奖名单 (由于涉及学生和数量众多,以下仅列举金银铜优胜奖,部分信息仅附上学校和论文名) | |||||
年份 | 金奖 | 银奖 | 铜奖 | 优胜奖 | |
2024 |
学校:北京师范大学附属实验中学 参赛学生:刘广羽 指导老师:樊瑜波、方伟 论文题目:Design, Optimization, and Mechanism Study of Antithrombotic Microstructure Surfaces on Mechanical Heart Valves Inspired by Shark-Skin Riblet
学校:深圳中学 指导老师:朱英杰、胡楠 参赛学生:王家麟 论文题目:Exploring the“Brain Switch” of Alcoholics: A Study on the Neural Mechanisms of Liraglutide in Reducing Alcohol Addiction
学校:北京王府学校 参赛学生:王昊宇、周静函、陶成溪 指导教师:曹金满、张扬 论文题目:蚯蚓对土壤中微塑料降解的影响 学校:The Harker School 参赛学生:Andrew Liang 指导老师:Anuradha Datar 论文题目:An Intelligent Bee Health Assessment System with Cross-Attention Multimodal Integration of Visual and Audio Data 学校:北京德威英国国际学校 指导老师:Dominic Williams 参赛学生:袁梦迪 论文题目:Tableware Jitter Elimination Technology for Parkinson’s Patients
学校:上海中学国际部 指导老师:冯依力、陈琳 参赛学生:谢艾思 论文题目:Development of a Gap-Driven Base Editing System 学校:上海市民办平和学校 指导老师:李新建 参赛学生:李明轩 论文题目:The Restoration of Social Defects in Schizophrenic Mice by Green Plant Exposure 学校:南京外国语学校 指导老师:江凌 参赛学生:柏鹏飞 论文题目:新疆盐碱地区产几丁质酶菌株的挖掘及酶法降解虾蟹类几丁质的应用 学校:复旦大学附属中学国际部 指导老师:张鹭、赵婷玉 参赛学生:李维铮 论文题目:AI-Guided Design and Preliminary Validation of Anti-Tuberculosis Subunit Vaccine 学校:成都外国语学校国际课程中心 指导老师:邹方东 参赛学生:杜若曦 论文题目:线粒体分裂失衡诱发的细胞衰老对涡虫再生的抑制作用
2023 | 学校:上海中学国际部
指导老师:廖辉、徐麟 参赛学生:晁楚言 论文题目:爬山虎攀爬形态建成的机制研究及植物茎尖向地性的发现 |
指导老师:罗宇立、任充华 参赛学生:Ethan Yihao Li、吴思辰、Bernice YX Wang 论文题目:Bioinformatics modeling and transcriptome analysis of multiple cockroach appendage regeneration
学校:Carmel Pak U Secondary School
参赛学生:CHOI Yau Nam, SO Ka Hei, NG Kin Kwan 指导老师:WONG Tsz Yeung, IP Yuen Yu 论文题目:Antimicrobial Edible Bio-disposables of Kombucha of Fruit Skins with Chitosan Coating 学校:北京王府学校 指导老师:张扬、胡文博 参赛学生:李梓楠、蔡芸彤、杨子玉 论文题目:北京废弃矿场现状以及治理修复对策研究 ——以门头沟区王平矿场为例 学校:Pui Ching Middle School 参赛学生:KWAN Chi Ki, CHOW Wing Sum 指导老师:YEUNG Wai Lok Wesley 论文题目:Power Plant in Plant_ By Rhizodeposition
学校:Dulwich College Beijing
指导老师:Feng Tian 参赛学生:Jiaying Geng 论文题目:Molecular Examination of the possibility for ALS Reversals and Plateaus 学校:上海星河湾双语学校 指导老师:阮振超 参赛学生:张晏菲 论文题目:Optimizing human SIRT6 protein with deep learning of 3D structures based on maximum lifespan 学校:南京外国语学校 指导老师:曹飞 参赛学生:张鹭飞、郁雅涵、殷岂墨 论文题目:Improvement of regioselectivity for L-pipecolic acid hydroxylation by site-directedly mutated L-proline cis-4-hydroxylase 学校:中国人民大学附属中学 指导老师:鲁安怀、万丹 参赛学生:庞泽堃 论文题目:利用土壤本源镰刀菌低成本绿色高效去除溶液中六价铬 学校:上海中学国际部 指导老师:廖辉、张鑫 参赛学生:Lei Kevin Xuan 论文题目:A double-edged sword: a shared mechanism for high stemness maintenance in both human germ cells and cancer cells
2022 | / | 学校:武汉三牛中美中学参赛学生:高子沐指导老师:Joseph Turyatemba论文题目:An AI-Based Ambulatory Ankle Brace with Wearable Sensor used for Preventing Ankle Sprains
学校:北京市十一学校 参赛学生:龚唐跃指导老师:窦向梅论文题目:Smarter Radiologists: A User-Friendly Algorithm Aiming to Improve the Accuracy and Readability of Intracranial Hemorrhage CT Detection |
学校:Milton Academy
参赛学生:Yi (Anna) Yang 指导老师:Tahina O. Ranaivoarisoa, Arpita Bose 论文题目:Improved Ethanol Tolerance and Production in Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 学校:Phillips Exeter Academy (MIT PRIMES) 参赛学生:Anish Mudide 指导老师:Alexander Wu 论文题目:Neural Granger Causality on DAGs Reconstructs Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-cell Transcriptomics 学校:北京一零一中 参赛学生:白子铭 指导老师:马丽霞 论文题目:对藤蔓植物茎和卷须螺旋生长的研究 |
参赛学生:季远峤 指导老师:徐宏 论文题目:基于单分子阵列超敏检测技术的SARS-CoV-2灭活疫苗特异性中和抗体血清转换时间研究 学校:四川省成都市第七中学(林荫校区) 参赛学生:刘云帆 指导老师:袁智城、刘浩秋 论文题目:A Systematic Analysis on ST36 Acupuncture Stimulation for Rhinitis Treatment 学校:Carmel Pak U Secondary School 参赛学生:LEUNG Kwan Yi, LAI Yik Tao, LUI Ying To 指导老师:Wong Tsz Yeung 论文题目:Food-waste Up-cycler 学校:北京大学附属中学 参赛学生:李亦澜 指导老师:唐灵芳、朱华伟 论文题目:Titanium dioxide (TiO2) enhances the photocurrent generation of cyanobacteria 学校:北京市十一学校 参赛学生:刘宇慧 指导老师:窦向梅、周政 论文题目:A simple, effective approach to screen and identify H2A-H2B binding proteins |
2021 | 学校: Winchester College 参赛学生:Bob Guan 管泊宁 指导老师:Edmund Donovan 论文下载地址:A molecular phylogeny of cavernicolous Oniscidea (Isopoda) in Southern China reveals a new species of blind Armadillidae (Oniscidea, Isopoda) and multiple origins of troglodytic behavior |
学校: 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 参赛学生:蒲新格 指导老师:赵运磊 论文下载地址:Evaluation system of rehabilitation effect of stroke patients with intelligent perception combined with music therapy |
1.学校:清华附中国际部 参赛学生:Richard Hou、Devin Liang Chen 指导老师:金一论文下载地址:肠杆菌噬菌体在猕猴桃溃疡病复合侵染中的应用2.学校:上海包玉刚实验学校 参赛学生:周逸菲 指导老师:Steven Varty论文下载地址:Uncovering Mirror Neuron’s molecular and functional identity by single cell transcriptomic analysis3.学校:上海中学国际部 参赛学生:Yiyang Zhang 指导老师:廖辉论文下载地址:利用植物与微生物的分子协同作用高效去除环境污染物甲醛 |
1.学校:北京市十一学校 参赛学生:付子睿、王子 指导老师:窦向梅 论文下载地址:亚致死杀虫剂胁迫下豆蚜性别分化和繁殖行为研究 2.学校:北京汇文中学 参赛学生:胡婉琳 指导老师:黄力、宋秀珍 论文下载地址: 青海湖噬菌体多样性及与宿主相互作用 3.学校:北京德威英国国际学校 参赛学生:Mika Yokota 指导老师:杨巍 论文下载地址:Vertical and temporal variations of soil bacterial and archaeal communities in maize-soybean rotation 4.学校:华南师范大学附属中学 参赛学生:刘博栋 指导老师:杨晓安、荣宏伟 论文下载地址:Effect and Mechanism of Ultrasound on Killing Chironomus kiiensis' Eggs Clutch 5.学校:Carmel Pak U Secondary School 参赛学生:Leung Wai Chung,Tam Kwan Chun Kenny, Ng Ka Ho 指导老师:Yuen Yu Ip, Dr. Wong Tsz Yeung 论文下载地址:Kombuchas from tannin-rich fruit skins as bio-disposables |
2020 | 学校:山东师范大学附属中学 参赛学生:黄一帆 指导老师:冯翠 论文下载地址:Ants’ nestmate recognition ability based on visual cue perception |
学校:北京师范大学附属中学 参赛学生:王清石 指导老师:张亚、陈宏程 论文下载地址:The research on the Aerodynamics, Structural color and Hydrophobicity of five butterfly scales |
1.学校:Phillips Exeter Academy 参赛学生:Neil Chowdhury 指导老师:Maxim Imakaev 论文下载地址:Modeling the Effect of Histone Methylation on Chromosomal Organization in Colon Cancer Cells 2.学校:Episcopal High School 参赛学生:Yingshan Wang 指导老师:Gang Wu 论文下载地址:Single-cell RNA Sequencing Analysis of Human Neural Grafts Revealed Unexpected Cell Type Underlying the Genetic Risk of Parkinson’s Disease 3.学校:南京外国语学校 参赛学生:陈天弈、何乃成 指导老师:柏涛 论文下载地址:Prediction Modeling of Children Autism and Application in Diagnosis |
1.学校:Wa Ying College, Hong Kong 参赛学生: CHAN Ka Man, LAM Ching Ya 指导老师:WONG Wai Sum 论文下载地址:Biodegradation of Styrofoam by Larvae of Tenebrio molitor 2.学校:广东实验中学 参赛学生:李家荀 指导老师:刘佩、王剑 论文下载地址:Effect and mechanism of Ginsenoside Rg1 on inhibition of microglia activation in the treatment of ketamine abuse induced mental disorders 3.学校:北京市十一学校 参赛学生:王筱舒、哈浚杰 指导老师:窦向梅 论文下载地址:HCR Utilization in Triggered Assembly of DNA Nanotube Structure 4.学校:深圳外国语 参赛学生:王一斐、李若铭、江逸洋 指导老师:李沛霖 论文下载地址:A Fusion of Artificial Spidroin and Mussel Foot Protein That Retains High Adhesion and Natural Glue Formation Ability 5.学校:上海星河湾双语学校 参赛学生:杨珺萌 指导老师:Yongsheng Bai 论文下载地址:Identification and Genetic Signature Analysis of Exonic SNVs in Intellectual Disability | |
2019 | 华南师范大学附属中学;参赛学生:成果、徐游新;指导老师:栾云霞 等;论文下载地址:Evolution of Respiratory Proteins in Hexapoda (Insecta) | Phillips Academy;参赛学生:Sarah Chen;指导老师:Tamara Ouspenskaia, Travis Law;论文下载地址:Seeking Neoantigen Candidates within Retained Introns | 1.中国人民大学附属中学;参赛学生:齐乐遥、阿丝娜;指导老师:李峰;论文下载地址:Set up Wolffia australiana as a New Model Plant by Plant-on-chip System 2.清华大学附属中学;参赛学生:李昕一;指导老师:吴晓磊、梁姝颋;论文下载地址:Construction of microbial community for enhanced degradation of polyethylene plastics 3.华南师范大学附属中学国际部;参赛学生:王越洋;指导老师:孙林冲;论文下载地址:Pteryxin suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting HIF 1α and glucose metabolism | 1.上海市实验学校;参赛学生:朱薪宇;指导老师:卢宝荣;论文下载地址:Secret of weedy rice to survive winter: soil-burial induces their secondary dormancy 2.新疆克拉玛依市第一中学;参赛学生:何李祺、文香湘、祁含钰;指导老师:宋珊珊;论文下载地址:Application of Antibacterial Activity of Lavender Extraction in Post-treatment of Fresh-brewed Beer 3.广州市第六中学;参赛学生:于镇铨、林子健、陈贝琳;指导老师:宋建陵 等;论文下载地址:New discoveries of protease producing strains in deep sea environment 4.成都外国语;参赛学生:王珂、邓雅心、汤晟宇;指导老师:彭锐;论文下载地址:Metformin Suppresses Planaria Regeneration through the GSK3β/Wnt Pathway —New Insights on the Association between Regeneration and Longevity 5.Phillips Exeter Academy;参赛学生:Neil Chowdhury;指导老师:Sameer Abraham;论文下载地址:A method to recognize universal patterns in genome structure using Hi-C | |
2018 | 上海交通大学附属中学;学生:詹林;老师:夏照帆、罗鹏飞;论文下载地址:Designed 3D scanning system to achieve the spatial uniformity of the optimal pressure value of pressure therapy | 中国人民大学附属中学;学生:王锦芸;老师:辇伟峰、庄林岚;论文下载地址:A novel path employing luminescent bacteria as a light source to improve the growth of microalgae in bioflim-based cultivation 中国人民大学附属中学;学生:李滟蔚、黄咏歆、王凤仪;老师:戴亚、王香明;论文下载地址:The reduction of Caenorhabditis elegans offspring’s learning ability caused by ethanol stimulation and possible correlations with epigenetic modification of synaptic function-related genes | 北京师范大学第二附属中学国际部;学生:郭炜航、李帛轩、周浩宇;老师:倪川、王宣;论文下载地址:Construction and characterization of a bio-detector for inflammatory bowel disease 湖南省长沙市第一中学;学生:曾晨希;老师:高建军;论文下载地址:Study on a Novel Analgesic Peptide from the Digestive Juice of Land Leeches | 浙江省杭州第二中学;学生:徐瓯源;老师:吴世华、黄雄伟;论文下载地址:Identification of the gene deficiency responsible for white-flowered butterfly pea and potential applications for genetic engineering of flower color 华东师范大学第二附属中学;学生:谢承翰;老师:曲耀 ;论文下载地址:Research on the Effects of Plant Audio Technology on the Growth and Pathogenicity of Fungi—— A New Physical Sterilization Technology 成都市第七中学;学生:邹普越、曹楚林;老师:汤洋、沈晶晶;论文下载地址:A new discovery of the key stress protein HSP90 in regulating the regenerative ability of the planarian 新疆省克拉玛依市第一中学;学生:李依然、杨丽佳、林珑玉;老师:宋姗姗、伍军;论文下载地址:A Preliminary Study of a New Inoculation Method for "Jinhua" Fungus on Fermented Fu Tea 北师大二附中国际部;学生:张文瑞;老师:陈德锋;论文下载地址:Isolation of antiphytopathogenic bacteria from soils in Beijing and initial investigation of their antifungal activity | |
2017 | 学生:查展、林沐森、雷文康,教师:秦蓉,论文下载地址:探究捕蝇草捕虫裂片的夹合机制Optimized methodologies evoked new mechanism of the Venus Flytrap’s closure | 东北师范大学附属中学,学生:孟祥非,教师:李玉,论文下载地址: 一种新模式生物的生物学研究_迷你网柄菌的分类、个体发育及分子系统学的研究Biological researches on a new species of model organism — taxonomy, ontogeny and molecular phylogenetic studies of Dictyostelium minimum | 南京外国语学校,学生:杨奕非、龚靖尧、戴川滟,教师:章熙东、徐士霞,论文下载地址:取食动物还是植物:釉质相关基因的进化与哺乳动物食性的关系Feeding on animals or plants: evolution of enamel-related genes and its relationship with food habits in mammals; 中国人民大学附属中学,学生:李硕秋,教师:李锂,论文下载地址:指尖光电容积脉搏波初步研究Preliminary Study on Fingertip Photoplethysmography(PPG); 中国人民大学附属中学,学生:刘天瑶、孟元、胥浩宇,教师:李峰,论文下载地址:植物激素Jasmonates产生极性信号传递,调节茅膏菜捕虫运动过程PHYTOHORMONE JASMONATES TRIGGER POLAR SIGNAL TRANSPORT AND REGULATE INSECT-TRAPPING MOVEMENT IN DROSERA | 重庆市南开中学校,学生:方艺瑾,教师:陈盛斌,论文下载地址:花椒素联合辛伐他汀对肥胖大鼠血管功能的保护作用及其机制The protective effect of huajiaosu in combination with simvastatin on vascular functions in obese rats and its mechanism; 上海市世界外国语中学,学生:王馨聆,老师:刘冀珑,论文下载地址:阿西维辛与DON对果蝇精巢中细胞蛇形成的影响Effects of Acivicin and DON on the Formation of Cytoophidia in Drosophila testis; 清华大学附属中学,学生:陈佳妮,教师:陈佳妮,论文下载地址:变废为宝:利用活性污泥生产生物可降解塑料PHB From Waste to Treasure: Turning Activated Sludge into Bioplastic PHB; 广东实验中学,学生:陆浩然、张露萱,教师:谢青梅、陈义虎,论文下载地址:病毒与肠道微生物的秘密—H9N2亚型禽流感病毒促进小鼠肠道菌群易位的机理研究The secret of virus and intestinal microflora—A study on the mechanism of intestinal microflora translocation post H9N2 AIV-infection in mice | |
2016 | 华南师范大学附属中学,学生:李顺,教师:唐杰、刘桦,论文下载地址:音高识别神经机理与仿生探究 | 中国人民大学附属中学,学生:杜一冰、刘骁,教师:李峰,论文下载地址:红瓶猪笼草(Nepenthes x ventrata)捕虫器官发育过程研究 | 华南师范大学附属中学,论文下载地址:血液透析技术中多功能保护服的研发、创新与拓展 ; 杭州绿城育华学校,论文下载地址:Evolution Talks: Flagellation Pattern and Fitness in Bacteria; 克拉玛依市第一中学,论文下载地址:新疆野生椒蒿提取物的抑菌效果初探 | 北京十一学校,论文下载地址:城市噪音对喜鹊和灰喜鹊鸣叫结构的影响; 中国人民大学附属中学,论文下载地址:对于手机表面细菌携带和清洁的研究与建议; 华东师范大学第二附属中学,论文下载地址:食用仙人掌提取物缓解支气管哮喘的研究初探; 重庆南开中学,论文下载地址:APM2.5对心脏结构功能的影响; 广州市第六中学,论文下载地址:铝影响海洋固氮蓝藻(Crocosphaera watsonii)固氮速率的研究 |
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