The annual enrollment season for international school classes has arrived, which also means it is the most difficult season for parents to choose the right classes. This difficult time obviously causes a headache for many parents. Today's IHSD is sharing an article to recommend the right classes for everyone from the public wechat (Babazhenbang)'s professional analysis to see how the author screened the "best" curriculum in the "All About the Eyes" of the international curriculum and helped the parents make the right decisions!
Three questions for school choice
Is my child suitable for internationalization?
Which international school classes are best?
How can I get in?
After more than four years of international education, we discovered that a seemingly varied and complex choice of classes can be solved in three steps:
School Choice Trilogy
Understand Yourself - Seeing if Family and Children Are Suitable for International Education
Get to know the school - this is what JXIHSD has been doing for you.We offer OpenDay for every family,let them know what is the real school life。
Make a match - choose the most suitable for yourself, and then think of ways to get in.
2 major problems in selecting a school
Sort out the basic problems of selecting schools: systematically combing related articles, forming a "school selection series"
Visiting schools: In addition to paying attention to their official public platforms and official websites, many schools have open days. Walking into the school to understand the classroom is the best way to visit, and you can feel the school's management has the atmosphere of the campus and choose the most suitable for your child's school.
In today's "Comparative and Professional Editions of the Three Major Courses", we will conduct a horizontal comparison of the three courses from the "Course Selection" and "Evaluation System." At the end of the article, we also attached: "A picture to understand the three major international courses."
“套餐”还是“单点”?三大国际课程如何选课"Package" or "single point"? How to choose three major international courses在选课方面,这三大课程有的是“套餐式”,就是固定搭配好的;有的是“单点式”,就是自己可以选的。
In the course of class selection, these three major courses are "packaged", that is, a fixed collocation; some are "single point", that is, they can choose.
IBDP:“套餐式”选课IBDP: "Package" Course Selection首先,IBDP其实是一个套餐式的选择,为什么呢?我们先来看看它整个课程的构建是怎么样的。
First of all, IBDP is actually a package-style choice. Why? Let's take a look at how it is structured throughout the course.
IBDP包含了六组课程:The IBDP includes six courses:
1、第一语言与世界文学,就是我们常说的language A 1。
First language and world literature are the language A 1 we often say.
2、外语,就是language B。
Foreign language, is the language B.
Humanities and society, which will include business and management, economics, geography, history, computer, and psychology.
Experimental science, including biology, chemistry, physics.
Mathematics and computer science, it will also involve programming and so on.
6、艺术和选修,像艺术里面,就会有visual arts之类的这些东西。
Arts and elective, like art, there will be such things as visual arts.
During class selection, you will find that your child can be exposed to all aspects of knowledge through the selection of these six groups in high school. So why is it a very comprehensive education? It is here.
In addition to the above six courses, the IBDP will add three required courses: TOK, CAS, and EE.
TOK知识论1 TOK是一个没有任何学科边界的课程。这门课程它是让学生去做深度思考的,是让他去理解“到底什么是知识”,“我为什么要学知识”,以及“我要怎么学知识”的。
Tok这门课不属于 IB的六大组,但它又是必须融入在这六大类课程学习里面的。Tok这门课对老师的要求之高在于他不仅要能够对学生进行引导,更重要的是他要有跨学科教学的能力。
TOK is a curriculum without any subject boundaries. This course is for students to think deeply. It is to let them understand "What is knowledge in the end", "Why should I learn knowledge", and "How do I learn knowledge?" The TOK course is not part of the IB's six major groups, but it must be integrated into these six major courses. TOK's high requirement for teachers is that they not only need to be able to guide the students, but more importantly, they must have the ability to teach across disciplines.
CAS创造、行动和服务2 它包括120到150小时的课外活动,但是这种课外活动是必须有巨大含金量的课外活动,比方说从最初的组织活动到去拉赞助商,到筹划,完成了一个商赞,又是符合国际的某项指标的商赞,像这样高质量的活动,才算是CAS活动。
It includes 120 to 150 hours of extra-curricular activities, but such extra-curricular activities are extra-curricular activities that must have huge amounts of money. For example, from the initial organizing activities to pulling sponsors, to planning, completing a commercial promotion, and complying with international standards. The commercial praising of a certain index, such as high-quality activities, is considered as CAS activity.
EE拓展论文3 学生需要在一年左右完成一篇跟某一门IB学科组课程相关的4000字论文。学生在论文中要体现自己对这门学科某一方面的研究,在具有学术价值的同时符合学术界论文的写作格式。
Students need to complete a 4000-word paper related to a particular IB subject group course in about a year. In the thesis, students should reflect their own research on a certain aspect of the discipline. They have academic value while conforming to the writing format of academic papers. Together with TOK's 3000 words, it is IBDP. You will need to write 7000 words of English papers in addition to six subjects. For most Chinese students, this difficulty is enough for students.
A-Level:“单点+多套餐融合式”选课A-Level: "Single Point + Multi-Package Fusion" Course SelectionA-Level的选课是“单点加多套餐”的融合式选课,为什么这么说呢?因为A-Level是要求学生至少要学三门,那有些孩子说我只想学一门,还有两门不学,对不起,不可以。
A-Level's course selection is a blended course of “single point plus multiple packages”. Why is this? Because the A-Level is to require students to study at least three, then some children say I only want to learn one, and two do not learn, I'm sorry, no. So, to some extent, it already has some concept of concept in it. But which three of the three doors do I study? It is entirely up to me to choose. So we say it has a single point of view. Or do you have more than enough children to learn? I want to study four. Can five be? It is all acceptable.
A-Level itself actually has more than 70 courses for students to choose from, but on the one hand, because we don't have so many high-quality teachers, we can create so many subjects. On the other hand, because of the needs of students in science and engineering have more requirements, so basically science and technology are open. This is the truth of "Reading A-Level can be partial". In fact, this is not the original intention of A-Level, but the result of localization after it entered China.
AP:“单点式”选课AP: "Single Point" Course SelectionAP是单点式,这是由它的性质所决定的。
AP consists of a test that determines student outcome. It differs from the A-Level and IB in that it is not a curriculum system, in other words, it is only an independent course. The vast majority of students will continue to take minor APs in the 11th grade while attending the American High School.
In fact, I also like American high-school courses. The options offered by these American high-school courses are abundant. However, I must say that the AP is not suitable for all students. Why is it not suitable for all students? The AP's difficulty is not small. Because AP is a preparatory course for American universities, the child will be studying content at the university level. For example, mathematics. What is AP Mathematics? AP mathematics consists of statistics and calculus. If I were to study math by myself, I'd still have difficulty. So that's why I said AP is not a suitable course for all students.
AP is also a special force, it now has 38 subjects. What subjects you choose to read must be related to your university application. You must give it to the professional you are applying for. For example, if you want to learn Media, then you say " I want to study media". Physics C is of little significance, so it must be combined with your own and related to the universities and majors we want to choose.
AP也是有几大类,比如说有艺术类,有历史和社科类,有语言类,有科学类。国内的孩子确实还是选科学类的比较多,大部分的学生微积分肯定要学,统计学也是肯定要学的,计算机不多,物理1、2C肯定要学的,电磁学,力学,宏观经济和微观经济等,现在还有一些孩子开始学心理学,会有一些人开始学AP history。心理学很有意思,但特别不好学,因为它对英语的要求是比较高的。
There are several major categories of APs, such as arts, history and social sciences, languages, and sciences. Mainland China students do indeed have more choices in science. Most students will definitely have to learn calculus, statistics, physics 1 and 2C, electromagnetics, mechanics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and there are still some children who are beginning to learn psychology and some will start learning AP history. Psychology is very interesting, but it is particularly difficult to learn because it has a relatively high demand for English.
考多少分才能上Dream School?How many points can I take to Dream School?三大国际课程评价系统
Three International Course Evaluation Systems
Now let's look at the evaluation system of the three major courses, and how many points each will need to apply for a better university.
AP:五分制我们从AP开始说吧。AP是五分制的,满分是5分。不管是助力申请也好,或者做分数抵扣也好,你至少要在4分。4分叫Well qualified,就是比较合格的,比合格要好一些,我们说良好吧。
AP: Five point system
Let's start with the AP. AP is a five-point system, with a perfect score of 5 points. Whether it helps the application or a point deduction, the student must score at least 4 points on the exam. For AP you have to do credit credits, and you have to have a minimum of 4 points. AP has so many disciplines and is really not easy to learn, so it's best to take 3~4 classes at a time. The most important thing is that these 3-4 classes are not qualified because you must pursue high scores. This is a very important point for AP. As long as you learn AP, you must go for a high score.
A-Level: Six levels
So next we look at the IGCSE and A-Level. The IGCSE and A-Level have six levels of ABCDEU. What is U? U sometimes fails, and sometimes U may be a problem with your grades. U will certainly be unable to hurt. If you want to apply, your grades must reach at least a C. The worst combination of applications is for the BBC. If it is CCC, CCB, CCD, then there is no such thing. If you are applying for a particularly good school, say Oxford, Cambridge, and some of his majors, you need A*A*A or A*AA. For schools like UCL (University College London), then you must at least be A*AB, or A*AA, and the like. According to different professions, the situation is floating every year.
So for A-Level, A is 80 to 100, B is 70 to 80, C is 60 to 70, D is 50 to 60, E is 40 to 50, and U is 40 or less.
IBDP: Out of 45 points
Finally, IB. IB and our six major courses have a full score of 7 points of which 4 points need to be passed. The total of TOK and EE plus CAS adds up to 3 points, but CAS is based on the number of hours of activity. So IB's total score is 45 points. If you want to apply for a better school in the United States, you should all be 37 and 38 points. If we want to apply for the top 20, top 30, we must score 39 points or more.
IB还有一个特点是六大类课程的每门课程都分为HIGH LEVEL和STANDARD LEVEL。你至少要选三门HIGH LEVEL,也就意味着你剩下的三门是可以选STANDARD LEVEL的。我们有一个非常有用的建议就是:不要一味地追求课程难度、全都选HIGH LEVEL。因为IB已经是所有国际课程最难的了,所以能够考到IB这样的学校里面的,孩子已经是很优秀的了。
而且从留学的角度去看,大学要看的是你最后的总分。如果你都选HIGH-LEVEL,虽然能证明你学习能力是非常强的,但是实际上你最后可能就拿到5分、6分,这样的话你的总分就会下降。而哪一些科目学HIGH LEVEL,哪一些科目学STANDARD LEVEL的,都要根据你申请的具体的情况来定。
Another feature of IB is that each of the six major courses are divided into HIGH LEVEL and STANDARD LEVEL. You have to select at least three HIGH LEVELs, which means that the remaining three classes are for STANDARD LEVEL. We have a very useful suggestion: Do not pursue course difficulty, choose HIGH LEVEL. Because IB is already the hardest of all international courses, I'll be able to pass it to a school like IB where the kids are already very good. And from the point of view of studying abroad, the university must look at your final score. If you choose HIGH-LEVEL, although you can prove that your ability to learn is very strong, but, you may get 5 points and 6 points in the end, so your total score will drop. Whatever subjects you decide to study for HIGH LEVEL or STANDARD LEVEL should be based on the specific circumstances of your application.
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