作者 Sherman Alexie
观看电影“《饥饿游戏》-The Hunger Games(2012)”
读诗歌“《女人为何打扮》- A Work of Artifice,”
作者 Marge Piercy
"《激流少年》-The Boys in the Boat,"
作者 Daniel James Brown
作者 Joseph Heller
"《严密监视的列车》-Closely Watched Trains,"
作者Bohumil Hrabal
"《魔法的颜色》-Color of Magic," 作者 Terry Pratchett
"《罪与罚》-Crime and Punishment,"
作者 Fyodor Dostoevsky
作者 James Nestor
"《火星人》-The Martian,"
作者 Andy Weir
"《老人与海》-The Old Man and the Sea,"
作者 Ernest Hemingway
"《柳林风声》-The Wind in the Willows,"
作者Kenneth Grahame
"《发条橙》-A Clockwork Orange,"
作者 Anthony Burgess
"《宇宙和茶杯:真与美的数学》-The Universe and The Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and Beauty,"
作者 K.C. Cole
"《隐形人》-Invisible Man,"
作者 Ralph Ellison
"《包法利夫人》-Madame Bovary,"
作者 Gustave Flaubert
"《到灯塔去》-To The Lighthouse,"
作者 Virginia Woolf
"《土生子》-Native Son,"
作者 Richard Wright
"《冬日暖阳》-Interpreter of Maladies,"
作者 Jhumpa Lahiri
"《杂食者的困境》-The Omnivore's Dilemma,"
作者 Michael Pollan
作者 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
"《欢迎来到猴子屋》-Welcome to the Monkey House,"
作者 Kurt Vonnegut
"《傲慢与偏见》-Pride and Prejudice," 作者 Jane Austen
"《霍乱时期的爱情》-Love in the Time of Cholera," 作者 Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"《弗兰妮与佐伊》-Franny and Zooey," 作者 J.D. Salinger
"《美丽的挣扎》-The Beautiful Struggle," 作者 Ta-Nehisi Coates
"《枪,病菌与钢铁》-Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies," 作者 Jared Diamond
作者 Kurt Vonnegut
"《罪与罚》-Crime and Punishment,"
作者 Fyodor Dostoevsky
"《公主新娘》-The Princess Bride,"
作者 William Goldman
"《奇鸟行状录》 The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,"
作者 Haruki Murakami
"《欲望号街车》-A Streetcar Named Desire,"
作者 Tennessee Williams
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