We warmly welcome you to join our Harrow Open Day on Saturday, March 18th from 9:30am to noon.
Hear from our new Head Master
开放日当天,哈罗上海校长Alex Reed先生将向大家分享他的教育理念。Alex Reed先生曾在新西兰顶级名校任职,并带领该校创造了卓越的学术成绩。开放日当天,让我们一起聆听Alex Reed先生的学术愿景,以及如何带领哈罗上海开启卓越的新篇章!
Hear from our new Head Master, Alex Reed. Alex will share his educational philosophies and his experience on how he delivered outstanding academic outcomes at one of the top private schools in New Zealand and his plans for similar achievements at Harrow Shanghai.
Hear from our Head Student
哈罗上海校学生代表Yi Sum Yue 在2023年的申请季中收到了来自剑桥大学和伦敦大学皇家兽医学院的Offer。开放日当天,她将会向各位讲述她最真实的哈罗就读体验,分享哈罗上海是如何培养并帮助她实现自己的理想的。
Hear from our Head Student, Yi Sum Y., who recently received her acceptances to Cambridge and Royal Veterinary College . She will share how Harrow has helped her on this pivotal journey to fulfill her dream and passions.
Meet our wonderful teachers and students
Meet our wonderful teachers and students. We are excited to showcase key classes so that you can experience what a day in the life of Harrow looks like.
Explore our school campus
Explore our school campus – and get ready for some eye opening and beautiful sounding surprises along the way!
Why Harrow Shanghai?
哈罗校长亲自推荐 你不得不来的理由!
Open Day
Outstanding Academic Progress
从您的孩子踏入我们学校的那一天起,他们将拥有上海最卓越的教育体验:我们的IGCSE和A Level成绩非凡,我们年幼的孩子取得的成绩同样出色。在这里,孩子们的一切梦想和热情都将被守护,他们被鼓励大胆地去追寻自己的热爱所在,去发现他们在音乐、艺术、体育等各方面的天赋以及热情!
From the day your child steps into our school, they will experience the best international education in Shanghai: our IGCSE and A Level results are extraordinary, and the results our younger children achieve are just as good. Your child will also discover their passion for music, art, sports, and everything else that makes life worth living!
Highest Quality Teachers
We hire the best British teachers in Shanghai. Backed by the traditions and excellence of Harrow School, London, Harrow Shanghai recruits outstanding teachers with exceptional qualifications who, simply, know how to get the best out of every child.
Individualised Approach
Your child will be known, supported, and cared for deeply as an individual. Harrow Shanghai is a smaller school with a different model of education, one committed to discovering the passions of every child by knowing every child and knowing every family, building strong, lasting relationships. When you join Harrow Shanghai, you join a caring, diverse, and ambitious community.
Experience it yourself on Saturday, March 18th – we look forward to meeting you!
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1