IEA Student Essay Competition(IEA学生论文学术活动)是英国自由市场智库Institute of Economic Affairs(IEA)主办的一个学生论文学术活动。IEA成立于1955年,旨在通过分析和阐述市场在解决经济和社会问题中的作用来提高对自由社会基本制度的理解。IEA已与世界上许多著名经济学家合作,其中包括多位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者的论文、书籍和文章等。每年,IEA学生论文学术活动面向全球所有学习A-Level和IB课程的学生,提供英镑现金大奖。这个比赛由Dorian Fisher赞助。iea学生论文学术活动官网2023年活动展示,一起来看看,看有你喜欢的吗?
IEA & Vinson Centre Sixth Form Conference with Sir Joseph Williamson Mathematical School
09:00 - 14:00
Each year the IEA puts on a host of Sixth Form conferences across the UK. Typically, these conferences run between 09:00 – 14:00 and cover a broad range of topics relevant to the A-Level Economics and Business courses. In the past, conferences have covered topics including inflation, housing, and government spending. Places for these conferences are allocated on a first come first serve basis. If you have any questions, or would like to register for a conference, please contact
IEA Book Club with Helen Joyce
17:30 - 19:30
VENUE: 2 Lord North Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3LB (entrance on Great Peter Street)
The IEA Book Club is delighted to host Helen Joyce for an event on her latest book “Trans: Gender Identity and the New Battle for Women’s Rights”. This event will be taking place on Monday 17th April from 17:30 – 19:30, at the IEA. Chairing this event will be Marc Glendening (IEA Head of Cultural Affairs).
IEA Book Club with Bruce Caldwell
17:30 - 19:30
VENUE: 2 Lord North Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3LB (entrance on Great Peter Street)
The IEA Book Club will be hosting an upcoming event with Bruce Caldwell on his latest book, “Hayek: A Life, 1899-1950”. This event will take place on Monday 24th April from 17:30 – 19:30 at the IEA Westminster offices. Chairing this event will be TBC ().
IEA & Vinson Centre Sixth Form Conference with Lingfield College
09:30 - 14:15
Each year the IEA puts on a host of Sixth Form conferences across the UK. This conference will run between 09:30 – 14:15 and cover a broad range of topics relevant to the A-Level Economics and Business courses. In the past, conferences have covered topics including inflation, housing, and government spending. Places for these conferences are allocated on a first come first serve basis. If you have any questions or would like to register for a conference, please contact
Oxbridge Training Day
13:00 - 16:30
VENUE: 2 Lord North Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3LB (entrance on Great Peter Street)
If you’re interested in attending Oxford or Cambridge, then you could benefit from our day of insight and information about Oxbridge life as we provide valuable advice on personal statements, interview dos and don’ts, and topics worth investigating before your interview.
Our next Oxbridge Training Day will take place at the Institute of Economic Affairs on 27th September 2023 both in person and virtually.
If you have any questions or would like to register for a conference, please contact
思想的分析和交流构成了我们工作的核心。我们制作有关经济政策所有领域的报告、书籍和论文,以及一份定期期刊《经济事务》。我们的政策专家经常为报纸、广播媒体和网站撰稿,以进一步传播自由市场思想。我们还举办一系列广泛的会议、研讨会、讲座和工作午餐会(每年 100-150 场活动),将政治家、学生、记者、领先的商业人物、学者和其他对公共政策感兴趣的人聚集在一起。这些都列在我们的活动页面上。学生外展计划为学生和大学社团提供实习机会和资源,并为学生和教师举办一系列活动。
学生和老师– 我们与学生和教师合作,提供广泛的资源和实习机会,让未来的领导者对自由市场经济学有深刻的理解。我们的目标是长期改变舆论氛围,而我们与学生的合作是其中的关键部分。
合作 -我们的工作得到了国际领先学者和政策专家网络的支持,他们为研究所进行研究并代表研究所发言。我们帮助发起的影子货币政策委员会和公共部门养老金委员会是我们如何汇集领先专家来解决经济政策重要问题的主要例子。
IEA 不持有任何公司立场,因此在我们的员工、作者、研究员和发言人中代表了广泛的观点。尽管如此,所有与研究所相关的人都支持自由市场——尽管代表了自由市场经济学的不同“流派”。推动 IEA 使命的人认为,解决社会问题和挑战的最佳方式是个人、公司和志愿协会在不受政治家和国家干预的情况下相互自由互动。这意味着政府行为,无论是通过税收、监管还是法律制度,都应该保持在最低限度。因此,我们的作者和演讲者总是在寻找减少政府在我们生活中的作用的方法,并进行严格的分析以证明他们的案例。
IEA 的活动得到了杰出的国际学术顾问委员会和杰出的名誉研究员小组的支持。他们与其他学者一起审查了我们的许多预期出版物。他们的评论将匿名传递给作者。这意味着我们的专着和研究论文要经过领先学术期刊所使用的同样严格的独立审稿程序。这些备受推崇的出版物在世界各地发行,经常被其他组织重印,并已被翻译成超过二十五种语言。
如果你在准备IEA Essay论文写作学术活动或者其他任何学术活动时,遇到了困难需要帮助、或者有问题想要咨询了解的话,都可以前来咨询。
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