包含:对原始素材和观点的解释,其中原始素材指written documents, maps, images, quantitative data, and works of art,评估素材和观点的可信度和局限性;
对第二手素材和观点的再次解读,第二手素材指economists, sociologists, political commentators, or art historians著写的观点性的素材;
1、 美国人和民族认同主题,考生需要思考以下问题:
✦Explain how ideas about democracy, freedom, and individualism found expression in the development of cultural values, political institutions, and American identity.
✦Explain how interpretations of the Constitution and debates over rights, liberties, and definitions of citizenship have affected American values, politics, and society.
✦Analyze how ideas about national identity changed in response to U.S. Involvement in International conflicts and growth of the United States.
✦Analyze relationships among different regional, social, ethnic, and racial groups, and explain how these groups’ experiences have related to U.S. national identity.
✦Explain the causes of migration to colonial North American and, later, the United States, and analyze immigration’s effects on U.S. society.
✦Analyze causes of internal migration and patterns of settlement in what would become the United States, and explain how migration has affected American life.
3、 政治和权力:
✦alignments have developed and changed.
✦Explain how popular movements, reform efforts, and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions.
✦Explain how different beliefs about the federal government’s role in U.S. social and economic life have affected political debates and policies.
✦Explain how different labor systems developed in North America and the United States, and explain their effects on workers’ lives and U.S. society.
✦Explain how patterns of exchange, markets, and private enterprise have developed, and analyze ways that governments have responded to economic issues.
✦Analyze how technological innovation has affected economic development and society.
✦Explain how cultural interaction, cooperation, competition, and conflict between empires, nations, and peoples have influenced political, economic, and social developments in North America.
✦Analyze the reasons for and results of U.S. diplomatic, economic, and military initiatives in North America and overseas.
✦Explain how geographic and environmental factors shaped the development of various communities, and analyze how competition for and debates over natural resources have affected both interactions among different groups and the development of government policies.
✦Explain how religious groups and ideas have affected American society and political life.
✦Explain how artistic, philosophical, and scientific ideas have developed and shaped society and institutions.
✦Explain how ideas about women’s rights and gender roles have affected society and politics.
✦Explain how different group identities, including racial, ethnic, class, and regional identities, have emerged and changed over time.
可以看到,官方给出的时间段会有重合,Period 4 从1800年开始,强调美国南北战争前的改革和社会变化,这个时间段以1848年的Seneca Falls Convention塞内卡福尔斯会议为结束标志。Period 5, 开始于1844年,侧重“天命论”思想下的领土扩张如何引起更激烈的奴隶制问题,直至内战结束和战后重建。Period 6 从内战结束的1865年开始到1898年的西班牙-美国战争结束。
1491-1607 印第安人和欧洲殖民者
1607-1754 英国、法国、西班牙、荷兰的美洲殖民地,英国的新英格兰、中部、南部的殖民地
1754–1800 美国独立战争、《美国邦联条例》、《美国宪法》、《权利法案》
1800–1848 从华盛顿到杰克逊的政府政策、事件、党派发展、领土扩张
1844-1877 美国内战和重建
1865–1898 工业发展、城市化
1890–1945 一战、罗斯福新政、二战
1945–1980 冷战和冷战时代的美国
1980–PRESENT 里根、老布什、克林顿、小布什、奥巴马政府的政策、事件(不做重点)
这本书就是College Board官方出版的,专门给大家讲述美国历史和世界历史的准备方式的教材,这本书的最大卖点就是官方,里面的真题数量并不是特别多,但是好在能够给大家一个机会,看看真考的题目的难度到底是怎样的。
这本书就是最好最全的美国历史备考教材,作为想要CR高分的同学的泛读材料。但是这本书好, 大, 全的特点也让这本书对于只需要参加SAT2考试而不是AP考试的同学觉得过于细节 建议大家可以仔细想想要不要使用这本教材,如果真的觉得太厚,可以用下面的那本美国历史的Direct Hits和中文的一些美国历史读物来代替。
这本书,我觉得其实是这三本美国历史教材中最有价值也是最有效率的一本,这本书的作者,就是SAT最好的单词书Direct Hits的作者,Larry Krieger,他曾经参加过110次SAT考试,这么多的考试经历让他能够触摸到考试的细微变化,也让他成为了全美最权威的SAT备考的Tutor,他本身的大学专业是History,所以他教授所有的SAT2和AP的历史类课程,这本书可以说是他的心血之作,值得所有需要去参加美国历史考试的同学仔细读一读。
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