终于等到了!2023john locke论文学术活动题目放出了,这可是文商社科赛事的天花板!约翰-洛克学院 (John Locke Institute) 是英国牛津的独立教育机构,以17世纪牛津哲学家、古典自由主义的约翰洛克命名。该组织的目标是鼓励学生培养优秀作家所必备的品质,例如独立思考、知识深度、清晰推理、批判性分析和有说服力的风格。
Q1. A team of scientists wants to discover how many genders there are. How should they proceed?
Q2. In what sense are you the same person today that you were when you were ten?
Q3. Is tax theft?
Q1. Do the results of elections express the will of the people?
Q2. If China becomes the leading superpower, what would that mean for the people who live there? What would it mean for everyone else?
Q3. What might account for the different levels of political corruption in your own country and your country's nearest neighbour?
Q1. A government funds its own expenditure by taxing its population. Suppose, instead, it relied solely on money newly created by the central bank. What would be the advantages and/or disadvantages?
Q2. In his thought experiment, the Iowa Car Crop, David Friedman tries to show that growing wheat is, in an important sense, just another 'technology' we can use for manufacturing cars, and in some circumstances a much more efficient one.
If international trade is thus a way of using less valuable inputs to produce more valuable outputs, why would governments impose trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, thereby forcing producers to be more wasteful and less efficient?
Q3. What would happen if we banned billionaires?
Q1. How much richer or poorer are the British today than they would have been without the effects of British colonialism?
Q2. Which has a bigger effect on history: the plans of the powerful or their mistakes?
Q3. Which characteristics distinguish successful movements for social change from unsuccessful ones?
Q1. Can happiness be measured?
Q2. In surveys conducted in the United States, significantly more than half the respondents reported that they believed themselves to be more attractive than the median person in their country. How might we account for this?
Q3. Are beliefs voluntary?
Q1. What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult?
Q2. If you cannot persuade your intelligent, sympathetic friends to embrace your religious belief system, do you have enough reason to believe what you believe?
Q3. What was God doing before He created the cosmos?
Q1. Would justice be better served in the United States if more Supreme Court judges were women?
Q2. Suppose that you were contemplating, in violation of the rules of this competition, submitting an essay written for you by artificial intelligence. What would be the difference between such an act and ordinary attempted theft?
Q3. Are there too many laws?
Q1. Is safety more important than fun?
Q2. If you had $10 billion to spend on making the world better, how would you spend it?
Q3. What, if anything, do your parents owe you?
Q4. What is something important, about which nearly everybody is wrong?
Q5. Why is John Locke sometimes called the father of liberalism?
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