出国留学,首选美国,相信这是大部分学生与家长的共识。作为目前世界上的“一极”,美国 拥有世界上最优越的第一手资源,教育领域也不例外。大到常春藤名校为标杆的世界顶级 大学,小到美国 TOP50 的优秀学校,都是国内学生与家长心中最为理想的 第一选择。
那么能否成功申请心目中的美国大学就显的 格外重要,客观的说,文书的好坏直接影像留学申请的 最终结果。一篇优秀的文书可以帮助原本条件只能申请TOP30 - 50学校的申请人大爆冷门地申请到TOP30的一等名校。同样道理,自身条件优厚的申请人也完全有可能因为文书准备上的不足,而失足屈身进入次等大学,懊悔不已。
文书的准备工作应该体现“宜早不宜迟”的原则,早作准备。为什么这么说呢?通常来说,如果申请10-12所学校,那么加上 主文书 差不多一共需要写 20篇 文书,工作量是非常大 的。如果不早点开始做准备,等到高三开学以后,你会发现时间根本不够用,尤其是那些10月份还要再去考SAT的同学,以及班或其他国际班的同学,高三上的paper和课程将会让你感到 生无可恋。
有的同学会说,我还没有选校,要 怎么 准备自己的文书?那当然是从 PS 和 UC 的文书开始啦。
申请文书是申请材料中 最具有弹性 的一部分,它把申请材料中碎片化的元素(成绩,课外活动,获奖)串联在一起,起到了粘合剂的作用。这样你的整个申请材料才是完整的,你的人物形象才是统一的。所以~大家千万要 重视起文书来,尽管单独一篇文书并不能绝对保证你的录取,但是它能够帮助招生官认识到你是一个什么样的学生。
那么,接下来是属于重磅内容的干货时间。美国 TOP30 顶尖大学 小文书 题目汇总!一切不分析校方文书要求就写文书的行为,都是耍流氓!让我们一起,好好看看这些世界顶级名校的文书都要求写啥?
I.In addition to the essay you have written for the Common Application, please write an essay of about 500 words (no more than 650 words and no fewer than 250 words).
Using one of the themes below as a starting point, write about a person, event, or experience that helped you define one of your values or in some way changed how you approach the world. Please do not repeat, in full or in part, the essay you wrote for the Common Application.
1.Tell us about a person who has influenced you in asignificant way.
2. “One of the great challenges of our time is that the disparities we face today have more complex causes and point less straight forwardly to solutions.” Omar Wasow, assistant professor of politics, Princeton University.This quote is taken from Professor Wasow’s January 2014 speech at the Martin Luther King Day celebration at Princeton University.
3. “Culture is what presents us with the kinds of valuable things that can fill a life. And in sofar as we can recognize the value in those things and make them part of our lives, our lives are meaningful.” Gideon Rosen, Stuart Professor of Philosophy and director of the Behrman Undergraduate Society of Felows,Princeton University.
4. Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an eventor experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay.
II.Extracurricular Activity or Work Experience
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extra curricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you. (About 150 words)
Please tell us how you have spent the last two summers (or vacations between school years), including any jobs you have held. (About 150 words)
IV.A FewDetails
1.Your favoritebook and its author:
2.Your favoritemovie
3.Your favoritewebsite
4.Two adjectives your friends would use to describe you
5.Your favorite recording
6.Your favorite keep sake or memento
7.Your favorite source of inspiration
8.Your favorite word
9.Your favorite line from a movie or book and its title
If you are interested in pursuing a B.S.E. (Bachelor of Science in Engineering) degree, please write a 300-500 word essay describing why you are interested instudying engineering, any experiences in or exposure to engineering you have had, and how you think the programs in engineering offered at Princeton suit your particular interests.
Optional Question:
You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about yourself or your accomplishments. You may write on a topic of your choice, or you may choose from one of the following topics:
- Unusual circumstances in your life
- Travel or living experiences in other countries
- What you would want your future college roommate to know about you
- An intellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper, poetry, or research topic in engineering, mathematics, science or other modes of inquiry) that has meant the most to you
- How you hope touse your college education
- A list of books you have read during the past twelve months
- The Harvard College Honor code declares that we "hold honesty as the foundation of our community." As you consider entering this community that is committed to honesty, please reflect on a time when you or someone you observed had to makea choice about whether to act with integrity and honesty.
- The mission of Harvard College is to educate our students to be citizens and
citizen-leadersfor society. What would you do to contribute to the lives of your
classmates inadvancing this mission?
I.Choose one of the six extended essayoptions and upload a one- or two- page
1. The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not bevictory, but progress.”– Joseph Joubert Sometimes, people talk a lot about popular subjects to assure ‘victory’ in conversation or understanding, and leave behind topics of less popularity, but great personal or intellectual importance. What do you think is important but under discussed?
- Anonymous Suggestion
2. Due to a series of clerical errors, there is exactly one type (an extra letter, a removed letter, or an altered letter) in the name of every department at the University of Chicago. Oops! Describe your new intended major. Why are you interested in it and what courses or areas of focus within it might you want to explore? Potential options include Commuter Science, Bromance Languages and Literatures, Pundamentals: Issues and Texts,Ant History.
3. Earth. Fire. Wind. Water. Heart! Captain Planet supposes that the world is made up of these five elements. We’re familiar with the previously-noted setand with actual elements like hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, but select and explain another small group of things (say, under five) that you believe compose our world. - Inspired by Dani Plung, Class of 2017
4. The late NY Times photographer Bill Cunningham once said 'Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life. I don’t think you could do away with it. It wouldbe like doing away with civilization.' Tell us about your 'armor'. - Inspired by Adam Berger, Class of 2020
5. Fans of the movie Sharknado say that they enjoy itbecause “it’s so bad, it’s good.” Certain automobile owners prefer classic cars because they “have more character.” And recently, vinyl record sales have skyrocketed because it is perceived that they have a warmer, fuller sound.Discuss something that you love not in spite of but rather due to its quirks orimperfections. - Inspired by Alex Serbanescu, Class of 2021
6. In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose your own question or choose one of our past prompts. Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun.
II.How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community,and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how theyrelate to UChicago.
Academic Interests
Students at Yale have plenty of time to explore their academic interests before
committing toone or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests? (有选项可以选,至多选择三项) Why do these areasappeal to you? (up to approximately 100 words).
Additional Questions
What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or less)
Short Takes
Please respond inno more than 200 characters (approximately 35 words), to each of the following questions:
1. What inspires you?
2. Yale’s residential colleges regularly host intimate conversations withguests
representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What question would you ask?
3. You are teaching a Yale course. What is it called?
4. Most first year Yale students live in suites of fourto six students. What would you contribute to the dynamic of your suite?
Please choose two of the following topics and respond to each in 250 words or fewer.
1. What do you most enjoy learning?
2. Reflect on your engagement with a community to which you belong. How do you feel you have contributed to this community?
3. Write about something you would like us to know about you that you have not
conveyed else where in your application.
Engineering Essay
If you selecte done of the computer science or engineering majors, please tell us more about what has led you to an interest in this field of study, what experiences (if any) you have had in computer science or engineering, and what it is about Yale’s program in this area that appeals to you.(Please answer in 500 words or fewer).
1.List a few words or phrases that describe your ideal college community.
(150 words or less)
2. List the titles of the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that you enjoyed most in the past year. (150words or less)
3. List the titles of the books you read for pleasure that you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less)
4. List the titles of the print, electronic publications and websites you read regularly.
(150 words or less)
5. List the titles of the films, concerts, shows,exhibits, lectures and other entertainments you enjoyed most in the past year.(150 words or less)
6. Please tell us what you value most about Columbia and why. (300 words or less)
For applicants to Columbia College, please tell us what from your current and past
experiences (eitheracademic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. If you are currently undecided,please write about any field or fields in which you may have an interest atthis time. (300 words or less)
For applicants to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science,please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to thefield or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. (300words or less)
For the 2017-2018 application year, these were the short answer essay questions we asked:
1. We know you lead a busy life, full ofactivities, many of which are required of you.
Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer)
2. Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or
program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100words or fewer)
3. At MIT, we bring people together to betterthe lives of others. MIT students work toimprove their communities indifferent ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a goodfriend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community,whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words)
4. Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words)
5. Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan.How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words)
Short Questions:
1. What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 word limit)
2. How did you spend your last two summers?(50 word limit)
3. What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?
(50 word limit)
4. What five words best describe you?
5. When the choice is yours, what do you read,listen to, or watch? (50 word limit)
6. Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50 word limit)
7. Imagine you had an extra hour in the day — how would you spend that time?
(50 word limit).
Short Essays:
1. The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words)
2. Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about youor that will help your roommate -- and us -- know you better. (100 to 250words)
3. Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100 to 250 words)
Writing Questions:
How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying. (400-650 words)
Students applying to Digital Media Design and Computer & Cognitive Science should address both the specialized program and single-degree choice in their response.For students applying to the other coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer this question in regards to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program maybe addressed through the program-specific essay.
Writing Questions:
(Optional) Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you'd like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you've had to help us understand you better-perhaps related to a community you belong to or your family or cultural background-we encourage youto do so. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real
people applying to Duke. (250 word limit)
(Optional) Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes gender identity and sexual orientation. If you would like to share with us more about either, and have not done so else where in the application,we invite you to do so here. (250 word limit)
Short Answersand Essay Prompts
1. Please list three books, along with their authors,that have been particularly
meaningful to you. For each book, please include asentence explaining their influence upon you (200 characters max). Please note that your response is not limited to math, science or school-assigned texts.
2. Members of the Caltech community live, learn, and work within an Honor System with one simple guideline; 'No member shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community.' While seemingly simple, questions of ethics, honesty and integrity are sometimes puzzling.Share a difficult situation that has challenged you. What was your response,and how did you arrive at a solution? (200 word max)
3. Caltech students have long been known for their quirky sense of humor, whether it be through planning creative pranks, building elaborate party sets, or even the year-long preparation that goes into our annual Ditch Day. Please describe an unusual way in which you have fun. (200word max)
4. In an increasingly global and interdependent society,there is a need for diversity in thought, background, and experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. How do you see yourself contributing to the diversity of Caltech's community? (200 word max)
5. Scientific exploration clearly excites you. Beyond our 3:1 student-to-faculty ratio and our intense focus on research opportunities,how do you believe Caltech will best fuel your intellectual curiosity and helpyou meet your goals? (500 word max)
''Why Northwestern'' Statement (completion strongly recommended):
Other parts of your application give us a sense for how you might contribute to
Northwestern.But we also want to consider how Northwestern will contribute to your interestsand goals. In 300 words or less, help us understand what aspects of Northwestern appeal most to you, and how you'll make use of specific resourcesand opportunities here.
1. While arguing a Dartmouth-related case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1818, Daniel Webster, Class of 1801, uttered this memorable line: ''It is, Sir…a small college. And yet, there are those who love it!'' As you seek admission to the Class of 2022, what aspects of the College’s program, community, or campus environment attract your interest?(Max100)
2. Choose one ofthe following prompts and respond in 250-300 words:
--1.In Love Medicine, author Louise Erdrich ’76 writes, ''Society is like this card game here, cousin. We got dealt our hand before we were even born, and as we grow we have to play as best as we can.'' Describe your ''hand'' and reflect on how you have played it.
--2.From song sand film to formulae and computer code, human expression and discovery take many forms. How do you express your creativity? What ideas or values do you explore and celebrate when your imagination wanders?
--3.During the 2016 Olympic Games, American runner Abbey D’Agostino ’14 collided with another athlete in the first round of the 5,000-meter event. Both fell to the track.Although injured, Abbey’s first instinct was to help the other fallen athleteso they could continue the race together. Their selflessness was widely praisedas the embodiment of the Olympic ideal of sportsmanship. Share a moment when kindness guided your actions.
--4.Twenty years ago, the world met Harry Potter and his companions. One of the more memorable lines from the J.K. Rowling series was spoken by Albus Dumbledore:''Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.'' What ideas or experiences bring you joy?
--5.''I have no special talent,'' Albert Einstein once observed. ''I am only passionately curious.'' Celebrate your intellectual curiosity.
--6.''Dreamsare lovely. But they are just dreams,'' television producer Shonda Rhimes ’91 told graduating seniors during her 2014 Commencement address. ''It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.'' What inspires your hard work? What matters to you and how do you “make things happen” to create change?
Write a brief essay (300-400 words) in which you respond to the following question:
Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others,including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience.
1.Please briefly elaborate on one of your extra curricular activities or work experiences. (150 word limit)
2. With the understanding that the choice of academic school youindicated is not binding, explain why you are applying to that particularschool of study. (150 word limit)
3. How did you first learn about Rice University, and what motivatedyou to apply? (250 word limit)
4. The quality of Rice's academic life and the Residential College System are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What personal perspective would you contributeto life at Rice? (500 word limit)
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extra curricular activities or work experiences. (150-400 words)
College/Schoolof Architecture,Arts and Planning:
Describe two or three of your intellectual interests and why you are excited to pursue them within your chosen major in AAP. What personal experiences, background, or future goals will you bring to your scholarly and artistic pursuits at Cornell?(Please limit your response to 650 words.)
College/Schoolof Agriculture and Life Sciences:
Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected? Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice. Specifically, how will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Cornell University help you achieve your academic goals? (Please limit your response to 650words.)
College/Schoolof Arts and Sciences:
Describe two or three of your current intellectual interests and why they are exciting to you.Why will Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences be the right environment in which to pursue your interests? (Please limit your response to 650 words.)
College of Business:
School of Applied Economics and Management: How have your interests and experiences influenced your decision to study Applied Economics and Management? Describe how you would take advantage of the Dyson School’s unique opportunities, for example, its affiliation with both the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business and the College of Agriculture and LifeSciences.
School of Hotel Administration: The global hospitality industry includes hotel and food service management, real estate,finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, technology, and law. Describe what has influenced your decision to study business through the lens of hospitality.What personal qualities make you a good fit for SHA? (Please limit yourresponse to 650 words.)
College/School of Engineering: Cornell Engineering celebrates innovative problem solving that helps people,communities…the world. Consider your ideas andaspirations and describe how a Cornell Engineering education would allow you toleverage technological problem-solving to improve the world we live in. (Pleaselimit your response to 650 words.)
College/School of Human Ecology: How have your experiences influenced you to apply to the College of Human Ecology. How will your choice of major impact your goals and plans for the future? (Please limit your response to 650 words.)
College/School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Tell us about your intellectual interests, how they sprung from yourcourse, service, work or life experiences, and what makes them exciting to you.Describe how ILR is the right school for you to pursue these interests. (Pleaselimit your response to 650 words.)
1.Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated earlier in this application? If you are "undecided" or not sure which Brown concentrations match your interests, consider describing more generally the academic topics or modes of thought that engage you currently. (150 wordlimit)
2.Why Brown, and why the Brown Curriculum? Max: 200
3.Tell us where you have lived - and for how long - since youwere born; whether you've always lived in the same place, or perhaps in avariety of places. (100 word limit)
4. We all exist within communities or groups of various sizes, origins, and purposes; pick one and tell us why it is important to you, and how it has shaped you. (100 word limit)
The University of Notre Dame Writing Supplement consists of one (1) essay response to a required question and two(2) essay responses to questions you select from the options provided. In total,you will write three (3) essay responses. In honor of our University’s 175thanniversary, the recommended word count is approximately 175 words peressay.
I.Please providea response to the following question:
What excites you about the University of Notre Dame that makes it stand out from other institutions?
II. Please provide responses to TWO (2) of thefollowing questions:
1.The University of Notre Dame is a Holy Cross institution whose educational philosophy has been formed around five core principles inspired by Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross. These principles, or pillars, of a Holy Cross education are Mind, Heart, Zeal,Family, and Hope, and they continue to shape our students today. Which pillaror pillars resonate most with you? Why?
2.For whom are you responsible?
3.What is one thing that you know for a fact? Why are you certain?
4.Tell us about something significant that recently occurred in your community. Why does it matter to you?
I.Please respond to one of the prompts below. (250 word limit)
1.USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds,experiences and perspectives. Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view.
2.Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning.
3.What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?
II.Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.(250 word limit)
In addition to the Common Application's Personal Statement, please choose two (2) of the short answer prompts below. Be thoughtful in your responses, but don’t stress about what the right answer might be -- we just want to get to know you a bit better.Each response should be no more than 150 words.
1.What is your favorite fiction or non-fiction work (film, book, TV show, album, poem, orplay)? Why?
2.What motivates you to learn?
3.What will you miss the most about your current community when you leave for college?
4.In the age of social media, what does engaging with integrity look like for you?
1. We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse community of scholars,researchers, and artists. Answer this question, which corresponds to theschool/program you selected above, in a half page or roughly 250 words.
College of Arts and Sciences - What work of art, music, science,mathematics, or literature has surprised, unsettled, or challenged you, andin what way?
School of Engineering and AppliedSciences - If you were given funding for a small engineering project that would make everyday life better for one friend or family member, what would you design?
School of Architecture - Describe an instance or place where you have been inspired by architecture or design.
School of Nursing -School of Nursing applicants may have experience shadowing, volunteering, orworking in a health care environment. Tell us about a health care-related experience or another significant interaction that deepened your interest instudying Nursing.Required of ALL applicants, regardless of schoolor program. Answer one of the following questions in a half page or roughly 250words (Please select the prompt you are responding to):
Writing Sample:
1. Please submit a one page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s),department(s) or program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. For freshmen applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program to which you are applying.Because our admission committees review applicants by college and program, your essay can impact our final decision. Candidates applying for early decision or transfer may apply to only one college and department.
2. List the books (if any) you've read this year for pleasure. Choose one and in a sentence describe its impact on you.(Max 500)
3. If there was an interruption during your secondary school or collegiate experience or between your secondary school and collegiate experience (gap year(s)) when you were not enrolled and as a result, not making normal academic progress, please explain the reason for the interruption.(Max500)
4. While not a requirement, have you been interviewed by an alumni or on campus representative prior to applying for admission? If so,indicate the name of your interviewer and tell us how it impacted your decision to apply.(500 word maximum.)
1.How did you become interested in Wake Forest University and why are you applying?(Max150)
2.List five books you have read that piqued your curiosity.
3.Discuss the work of fiction you have read which has helped you most to understand the complexity of the world. (100 – 300 words)
4.While divisionsin American politics suggest that the art of persuasion has lost value,dialogue and debate help define the Wake Forest community. On what issue do you wish to persuade others? What is your argument? (75 – 150 words)
5.59% of Wake Forest's Class of 2017 received academic credit for faculty-directed research across academic disciplines. Describe a specific high school assignment that sparked an academic curiosity you hope to explorefurther in college. (75 – 150words)
6.What have you learned about yourself from engaging with someone different from you? (75 – 150 words)
7.Give us your top ten list. First, please provide a theme.
If you could only do one of the activities you have listed in the Activities section of your Common Application, which one would you keep doing? Why?
(Required for allapplicants.)(Max 150)
Essay #1 (Requiredfor all applicants.)
Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest,race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (100-300)
Essay #2 (Requiredfor all applicants.)
Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that
curriculum support your interests?(100-550)
School of Arts and Sciences:
I.Which aspects of Tufts’ curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your application? In short: “Why Tufts or SMFAat Tufts?”(Max100)
II.There is a Quaker saying: “Let your life speak.”Describe the environment in which you were raised – your family, home,neighborhood, or community – and how it influenced the person you are today.(200-250)
III.Now we’d like to know a little bit more about you.Please respond to one of the following six questions (200-250 words).
Students applying to the SMFA at Tufts BFA program must answer prompt F; we strongly recommend that candidates for the 5 year SMFA combined degree program chooseeither prompt D or F:(200-250)
A. It's cool to be smart. Tell us about the subjects or ideas that excite your intellectual curiosity.
B.In a time when we’re always plugged in (and sometimes tuned out), tell us about a time when you listened, truly listened, to a person or a cause. How did that moment change you?
C.Celebrate the role of sports in your life.
D. Whether you’ve built blanket forts or circuit boards, produced community theater or mixed media art installations, tell us:what have you invented, engineered, created, or designed? Or what do you hope to?
E. What makes you happy? Why?
F. Artist Bruce Nauman once said: “One of the factors that still keeps me in the studio is that every so often I have to more or less start all over.” Everyone deals with failure differently; for most artists failure is an opportunity to start something new. Tell us about a time when you have failed and how that has
influenced your art practice
We would like to know more about your interest in NYU.We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in aparticular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please tell us why you are interested in each of the campuses, schools, colleges, or programs to which you have applied. You may befocused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU's global network; regardless, we want to understand - Why NYU? (400 word maximum)
We would like to get a better sense of you. Please respond to one of the
following prompts.(400 word limit)
1.Human beings have a creative side that tends to shine most when we are truly invested in the world around us. Describe a situation when you responded effectively to a particular need and found yourself at your creative best.
2.Experience teaches us the importance of being reflective when making major decisions.Share an example from a recent event when a leader or an average person faced a difficult choice. What were the consequences of the decision? Would you have done the same?
3.Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberalarts, quality teaching, personal formation, and engagement of critical issues.If you had the opportunity to create your own college course, what enduring questionor contemporary problem would you address and why?
4.Jesuit education stresses the importance of the liberal arts and sciences, character information, commitment to the common good, and living a meaningful life. How do you think your personal goals and academic interests will help you grow both intellectually and personally during college?
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