International Writing, Photo and Multimedia Contest美国国际高学生传媒大赛由Quill and Scroll ,International Honor Society for High School Journalists美国国际高中传媒荣誉协会举办,该协会1926年于美国University of Iowa爱荷华大学成立,为了让更多的学生了解,热爱与投身新闻媒体行业,近一个世纪以来,协会积累了全球44个国家,全美15000所会员学校和50万会员,为全世界培养了众多的新闻传媒人才,被誉为美国高中生的“普利策奖”。学术活动针对高中生,分为写作、摄影、多媒体、设计四大类别30个主题,每个参赛选手可以选择任意类别和主题提交参赛作品,以在线的形式提交。学术活动不仅为热爱新闻写作/摄影传媒的同学提供了成长与发挥的空间,短期大幅提升英文与专业学术能力,助力大学申请。
1. 新闻基础Theories of Journalism
(1)What is news新闻的概念、特征以及新闻报道体裁分类(消息、通讯、评论等)
(2)Hard news and soft news英文新闻报道中的“两分法”:硬新闻(突发新闻)和软新闻(专题写作)
(3)Finding sources and Good Story ideas怎么找到好故事和新闻线索
2.新闻基础 IITheories of Journalism II
(2)Basic news story structure新闻报道的基本结构
(3)Inverted Pyramid Structure and Focus Structure, also called Wall Street Journal Structure倒金字塔结构以及《华尔街日报》体
(4)Interviewing Techniques采访技巧
3.高级英语新闻写作Advanced English for journalism
(1)Requirements of Good Stories让新闻故事吸引人的元素
(2)How to write the appealing lead构造引人入胜的导语
(3)Organizing the story组织材料和结构
(4)Writing it well : using quotations and handling numbers properly处理数据和引语的诀窍
4.优秀新闻作品赏析以及大赛介绍Case studies
(1)The case study of Pulitzer Prize winning work普利策新闻奖作品赏析
(2)The case study of Writing , Photo and Multimedia Contest winning work历届美国国际高中生传媒大赛获奖新闻作品赏析
(3)Introduction to Writing , Photo and Multimedia Contest美国国际高中生传媒大赛解题指导以及新闻写作类计划指导
5.高级英语新闻写作IIAdvanced English for journalism II
(1)Introduction to feature writing特写/专题写作介绍
(2)Shaping ideas好故事该如何构思
(3)writing profiles专题写作如何计划和组织
6.新闻作品工作坊News Production workshop
(1)comments on students’ work学生练习作品赏析及点评
7.多媒体制作工作坊Multimedia workshop
(1)Photo story图片新闻
(2)Audio slideshow幻灯片音频故事
(3)Video story视频故事
Liam Elwood:
graduated from Tufts University.He is a consistent honor roll student pursuing a major in international relations. He is passionate about learning and teaching since high school, which rendered him high GPA, high AP scores and various School-wide awards. For over two years he has used this passion to teach English to many Chinese students and helped them achieve awards in various competitions. His curriculum has been based on creating a helpful environment to familiarize students with the intricacies of English as well as boost their confidence in real-world applications of language, which makes his pedagogy popular among students. His programs have assisted my students to succeed in crucial college interviews and become confident in their ability to write essays at the college level.
Kenny 老师:
美籍,西北大学本科全奖获得者。3年修完本科两个主学位和两个辅修学位。在商业咨询领域颇具天赋,大三获德勤旧金山办公室全职Offer,本科期间成立自己的SAT/ACT辅导公司,5+年的国际课程辅导经验 ,主授literature和writing类课程,成功辅导多位美籍和中籍学生入读常春藤名校。
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: 沪ICP备2023009024号-1