澳洲的大学各个学校的学位等级划分不像其他国家的院校那么统一。有的学校按照High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, Fail 等级划分,有的学校是按照7,6,5,4,3,2,1等级划分,有的学校按照First Class, Second Class(2.1),Second Class(2.2), Third class 等级划分,也有的学校按照A,B,C,D,E等级划分。澳洲本科学位等级的划分情况请参考:
英国大学本科一般为三年。英国的本科学位按等级划分为一等学位,二等学位,三等学位,学位划分和具体成绩的对应情况如下:70分以上为一等学士学位First Class Honours
60~69为二等学位甲等(2.1或Upper-second class );
50~60为二等学位乙等(2.2或Lower-second class );
40~50为三等学位(Third class degree)。
剑桥大学University Minimum Reuriement
Bachelor's (Hons) degree (four years) with an overall grades of Second class Division A/Second Class Division 1, Distintion, 70%
If the academic requirement of the course is a first
Bachelor's (Hons) degree (four years) with an overall grades of First class, High Distinction, or 80%剑桥大学只接受澳四年制(荣誉学位)的澳洲申请者,最低要求的是2.1,或者Distinction,或者70%。对于要求一等学位的硕士课程,则要求一等学位,HD,或者80%帝国理工学院ICTo be considered for admission to a Master's e.g. MSc, MRes, MBA, etc, applicants from Australia should hold a Bachelor's degree, to honours level, with a minimum of a Lower Second Class Honours. A minimum of an Upper Second Class honours is however normally required for most of our courses.
帝国理工大部分专业要求澳洲申请者最低拥有2.1荣誉学位伦敦政经LSETo be considered for admission to a taught master's programme, we would normally require a three-year bachelor’s or four-year bachelor's (honours) degree with a 2:1, or an average grade of distinction, division A, division 1, B+ or 5.5/7.LSE 接受澳洲三年制或者四年制(荣誉学位)本科,要求澳洲申请者具有2.1学位或者均分达到distinction, division A, division 1, B+ or 5.5/7.伦敦大学学院UCLEntry to graduate programmes at UCL usually requires either an upper second-class (2:1) or a lower second-class (2:2) undergraduate degreeUpper second-class (2:1)
Lower second-class (2:2)
UCL 的硕士课程一般要求本国本科2.1学位或者2.2学位。
杜伦大学A 4 year Bachelors (Honours) degree with a 2:1 Distinction, Division A, Division 1 or B+ in the majority of individual component marks. Students applying with a 3 year Bachelors degree would be considered but would be expected to present excellent grades of First Class, or High Distinction and an A in individual component marks.杜伦大学硕士课程要求澳洲四年制学位或者荣誉学位申请者拥有2.1, Division A, Division 1 或者大部分科目成绩 B+,而对于三年制本科学位申请者,则要拥有First class 或者HD且大部分科目成绩A圣安德鲁斯大学 Postgraduate candidates will be expected to hold an upper second class Honours Bachelor's degree or a three-year degree with First Class marks, a High distinction, or A grades.
圣安德鲁斯大学对于澳洲各个州的学位要求有所不同,这里列举维多利亚州,要求澳洲四年制申请者拥有2.1学位,三年制申请者拥有First class, HD, 或者A的成绩布里斯托大学Applicants who hold an Australian Bachelor's degree with good grades can be considered for admission to a Master’s degree. For taught postgraduate programmes, a three year degree with Distinction is required, or if the undergraduate degree was from one of the G8 Universities, credit may also be considered.
布里斯托大学大部分硕士学位要求本国2.1学位,澳洲四年制本科或荣誉学位申请者需要达到2.1学位;而对于三年制本科申请者需要成绩达到Distintion,其中澳洲八大的申请者,分数达到Credit 也可以考虑。爱丁堡大学For entry to most Postgraduate taught or research degrees, the minimum requirement you need is a Bachelors with a Second Class Hons Upper/H2A from a recognised university in Australia.
爱丁堡大学的硕士课程要求澳洲申请者具有2.1或者H2A荣誉学位诺丁汉大学For honours degrees, requirements are the same as those for UK bachelors degrees (honours). For ordinary degrees, requirements are typically 70% for courses requiring a UK 2:1, and 60% for course requiring a UK 2:2诺丁汉大学的硕士课程,如果是澳洲的荣誉学位申请者,其要求等同于英国本科学位;如果是三年制本科,要求2.1学位的硕士课程,要求申请者成绩达到70%;如果是要求2.2学位的硕士课程,则需要申请者达成绩达到60%萨里大学To apply for one of our postgraduate courses that require a UK 2:1, you must achieve at least a 2:1 from a four-year Australian bachelors degree, or first class honours or a high distinction from a three-year Australian bachelors degree.
For courses that require a UK 2:2, you must achieve at least a 2:2 from a four-year Australian bachelors degree, or first class honours or a high distinction from a three-year Australian bachelors degree.
澳洲荣誉学位申请者,申请萨利大学的硕士学位,要求与英国本科的学生一致。如果是三年制申请者,则需要达到first class 或者High Distinction莱斯特大学For most Masters degree at Leicester you will need a four-year Bachelors (Honours) degree with a 2:1 Distinction, although some courses may also welcome applicants with a 2:2 Credit.
We also wecome applicants from students with a three-year Bachelors' degree from an Australian university. For ordinary degrees, requriemetns are typically 70% for courses requiring a UK 2:1, and 60% for courses requiring a UK 2:2
大部分的硕士课程要求澳洲四年制(荣誉学位)申请者达到2.1 Distinction学位,部分课程接受2:2 Credit。澳洲三年制本科,如果申请要求UK 2.1学位的课程,需要分数达到70%,如果申请要求UK2.2学位的课程,需要分数达到60%总结大部分英国大学均接受澳洲四年制(荣誉学位)或者三年制申请者。其中,对于澳洲四年制学位的要求与英国本科的学位要求基本一致,即官网要求的UK 2.1或者UK2.2 学位的硕士课程,澳洲四年制本科申请者只要达到同等要求即可。
对于澳洲三年制本科申请者,相对来说就不是很友好。例如剑桥大学明确表示只接受四年制荣誉学位的申请者,其他G5院校也要求三年制申请者达到First Class, High Distinction,或者A以上的成绩。
80分以上为H1,即First Class;
75-79分之间为H2A,即Second Class Div A /2:1;
70-74分之间为H2B,即Second Class Div B/2:2;
成绩65-69分之间为H3,即Third Class;
成绩50-64分之间为Pass 。
如果持有荣誉学位墨尔本大学本科生,申请要求UK 2:1英国硕士课程,需要均分75分以上;如果是三年制本科,申请英国硕士课程要求UK 2:1,大部分院校则要求均分达到80分以上。
当然,也不是所有学校要求都那么高,例如布里斯托大学接受成绩为credit(均分65.00 - 74.99)的三年制澳洲申请者;另外,诺丁汉大学,莱斯特大学,纽卡斯尔大学,利物浦大学,这些学校要求UK 2.1学位的硕士课程,只要求均分达到70分以上。
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